So, they release ANOTHER new product before the problems with the old product is fixed... What is wrong with this company!!!

Hi djmagicmoments, not sure if you remember our little discussion on another thread, probably about 6 months ago.

I was conplaining that the beat grid was stuttering on my mac mini. That was something that they never fixed.

Because of that problem i started using the ipad version which had a smooth beat grid. I also got the Pioneer Weego controller which works well with it. Well my ipad just did an auto download of the new djay 2 and now the beat grid is messed up on that too. I am so annoyed as i would not have downloaded if i knew a new was available.

I decided to buy djay pro which to my dismay distorts using my controller. Also, the ‘Gain’ controll is now a dial and not a slider which makes using that rather clumsy.

I have emailed them about these problems but i very much doubt they will respond.

What annoys me most is the customer service, it is non existent. I am seriously thinking of contacting Apple to complain about this conpany that are quick to take your money but do not what to give any help afterwards.

Do you know if it is possible to downgrade djay 2 to the earlier version on my ipad?

Thanks matey.

Hi djmagicmoments, not sure if you remember our little discussion on another thread, probably about 6 months ago.

I was conplaining that the beat grid was stuttering on my mac mini. That was something that they never fixed.

Because of that problem i started using the ipad version which had a smooth beat grid. I also got the Pioneer Weego controller which works well with it. Well my ipad just did an auto download of the new djay 2 and now the beat grid is messed up on that too. I am so annoyed as i would not have downloaded if i knew a new was available.

I decided to buy djay pro which to my dismay distorts using my controller. Also, the ‘Gain’ controll is now a dial and not a slider which makes using that rather clumsy.

I have emailed them about these problems but i very much doubt they will respond.

What annoys me most is the customer service, it is non existent. I am seriously thinking of contacting Apple to complain about this conpany that are quick to take your money but do not what to give any help afterwards.

Do you know if it is possible to downgrade djay 2 to the earlier version on my ipad?

Thanks matey.

Apple said they will refund the money for djay pro. They are very helpful. I just sent the guy an email saying how bad the customer service is here. I also included a link to this support forum so that Apple can see that the help here is practically zero.

128gb with Verizon service is one of the iPad’s I run with. Overall the app works great for me anywhere I’m at. LOL all the apps cost next to nothing. I do 4 events every weekend year round, with my reloop beatpads. Spotify works flawless for me, also if there no internet then just make ur own hotspot.

I am aware of the TOS, it doesn’t mean I can’t have it installed on my rig. Lol that’s why I have bigger iPads to house my current music set for the night. Lol I spend a ton of money with all my record pools and with iTunes to keep my music current. I was just commenting on how the software works for me. It’s not perfect, but it’s cheap :slight_smile:

It can be done by following this……