Song loading for "Reset EQ, FX, tempo" not saving after restart of program.

Settings > Song loading > “Reset EQ, FX, tempo” is NOT being saved after restart of program.
Other settings are being saved correctly.

Djay Pro 5.1.3
Mac mini Ventura 13.5

Hi @jefuqs, thanks for sharing the details. Can you please update to the latest 5.1.5 version of djay and let me know if the problem persists? Thanks!

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oh my god, I did as you asked and now not a single track will load into Djay Pro, see my bug entry: "Could not load track" after update 5.1.5

Also : the 5.1.5 update did NOT fix the “Reset EQ, FX, tempo not being saved” option.
So at each gig I have to start clicking that checkbox in the settings".

Hi @jefuqs, oh no, sorry that didn’t work and made things worse.

The engineering team has successfully reproduced the issue affecting MP3 and AIF file formats on macOS and they’re preparing a fix.

The problem primarily impacts users who store their MP3 files in a separate folder and manage them through iTunes, bypassing the iTunes file management option.

Immediate Workaround:

Users can add the folder containing the MP3 files directly to the ‘My Files’ (Finder) section in djay. This will make the songs accessible. Alternatively you can drag and drop the files from the Music App into djay.

Alternatively, if you have a full system backup via Time Machine, you can use that to rollback to a previous version of djay using that.

@jefuqs, as for your original settings issue, can you please try to capture a video of this, upload it to your Google Drive/Dropbox, enable sharing permissions, and share a link to the video here? This will help to communicate things accurately to the engineering team so they can try to reproduce it and offer suggestions. Thanks!

Does this work: Dropbox - songLoading-reset-not-saved.mp4 - Simplify your life

Perfect! Thanks @jefuqs. I’ve sent this to the engineering team for review.

Hi @jefuqs, the team was able to replicate this issue. I’ve been told it will be addressed in an upcoming djay update. Thanks!

You’re very welcome and thanks for coming back, much appreciated.

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You’re welcome @jefuqs

update 5.1.6 did not fix this bug
I just want to give an update on this bug:

  • Djay Pro 5.1.6, Macbook Pro, intel i7, macOS Monterey: no Reset EQ bug
  • Djay Pro 5.1.6, Mac mini, m2, macOS Ventura: Reset EQ bug still present

So the bug is in the Apple Silicon part of the code…?

The way i test:

  • Open Djay Pro > Settings > check or uncheck "Reset EQ, FX, tempo (Song loading)
  • Click on another settings tab
  • Close Djay Pro
  • Reopen Djay Pro

results 27 april 2024, Djay Pro 5.1.6:
Macbook Pro i7 15inch touchbar, Monterey: no issue
Mac mini, M2, Ventura : bug: setting is not being saved

Thanks for the additional troubleshooting and info @jefuqs This is very helful.

Hi again @jefuqs, can you confirm that you had your controller plugged into both laptops when you performed this test? We suspect that was the reason for the difference you observed not Apple Silicon.

ok, the one with controller had the bug.
so mac mini + controller = not saving setting “reset eq…”
macbook pro without controller = saving setting “reset eq…”

Developers are right!
Unplugging controller in real time actually checks “reset eq…” setting!! :flushed:
and pluggin the controller back in unchecks it in front of your eyes…

Perfect. Thanks for confirming

Just to let you know, the bug is still present in djay pro version 5.1.7

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