Song Preview start playback using automix start / set cue point

As a user I want to have a song preview play start at the [automix] start, user set cue point, or alternatively at some percent of the song being previewed (set in preferences).

It would be a huge timesaver when performing live and time is short to have song preview start at a more meaningful part of the song rather then all the way at the start.

Hi @ncianca,

So that we can better assist you, could you please provide the following information:

  1. Which device do you have?
  2. Which OS version is running on your device?
  3. Which djay version are you using?
  4. Are you referring to the preview directly in the library?

Hope to hear from you again.

Pioneer DDJ-800
Pioneer DDJ-SX2
Pioneer DDJ-SP2
Pioneer DJM-S9
Technics SL-1200MK2
Hercules Starlight
Novation Dicer
Assorted other older gear

OS: iPadOS, iOS, OSX running most recent versions

Djay Version: Most recent versions for each OS

Yes – so when you want to preview a song in the library. I setup midi actions to start preview and another to skip forward in the preview. It would be quite useful to be able to jump directly to the starting cue point set by the user or the Automix logic (if not set).

Alternatively, some other way to start the song preview – Perhaps start preview playback by some user settable value (in settings) such as a % value from song start.

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