Sort Collection by Genre

I mentioned the absence of the ability to sort music by genre in a collection on IOS a while ago in another thread, but with the advent of 5.2 and it still not being there I felt it warranted its own thread.

So you can create smart playlists which filter for genre, but that puts the onus on the user to create dozens (and dozens) of smart playlists if they want to browse their collection by genre.

Come on gang, it’s only one more category to filter by in the library and it’s already in the desktop version, you got this! :slight_smile:

Hi @KidVector,

Thanks for sharing your suggestion!

I can see how this would be beneficial in one’s workflow and have passed this along to our engineering team for further consideration.

Have a nice day!

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That’s great, thanks Nathaniel!

Hey Nathaniel, any updates on when this might be implemented?