Sorting by bpm but keep key groups together.

After we click “sort by key” it would be really useful to be able to shift click “sort by bpm” and have the software keep the sorting by key in order but sort by bpm within each key group. I hope this makes sense. Keep up the good work team!


That’s another fantastic idea
BPM + key

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This would be incredibly useful :slight_smile:


adding my +2 :+1:t2: to this idea!


Great idea should be implemented !!!

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Hey all! This is an excellent Suggestion. Thanks for the valuable feedback.

I’ve passed on this idea to have a Secondary Sorting option to the development team so they are aware of the interest.

Feel free to come back with more ideas and Suggestions if you have them!

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I’d really like the ability to do a second order sorting in my library. For instance, I’d like to have the tracks sorted by tempo, but within the results I’d like to have them sorted by key. As of now I have to rely on a filter to achieve this, which makes it impossible to have the library neatly sorted by an ascending tempo and still be grouped according to key.

Very best,


Is there any way to sort playlists by both BPM and Key? Would also be helpful if all different keys were sorted by color

Hey avi530,
Yes sir you can (red arrow).
You can also choose to see the songs only with a key of your choice (yellow arrow).


I’d like to sort on key first then bpm, but in djay 4 it’s either one of these, would like to see it improved, thanks

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You can already do this in djay. While in the library mode, select the 3 horizontal lines at the right that look a bit like the wifi symbol. Once in here press the + button and select the Key. Now you can sort that playlist with only the desired key and then sort this list by BPM ascending or decending. You can also add multiple filters in this menu. For example you can filter only Key 8A and BPM range 120-126.

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Yes I knew that, but I would find it easier if you can do this without filtering, esp when jumping keys while staying around same bpm

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+1 from me!

Using the sort function isn‘t really the same.

+1 from me (again) — there is another thread on this topic out there.

Sorting by two criteria is different than sorting a filtered list by one.

Hi All,

Just doing a little clean up and so I’ve merged these threads as they are about the same topic. I’ve also moved this thread to the Suggestions category so others in the Community can provide their feedback and/or votes about this feature as well.

We understand that while using the filters in djay along with sorting might achieve a similar outcome, it’s not exactly what was being asked here. I’ve added your input to our internal request tracker, and will keep you updated with any news from our team! Thanks again for your feedback!


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I merged some other similar topics into this one to keep the discussion organized. This feature request has already been forward to the dev team for consideration.

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