Sorting playlists for streaming services

It would be nice to be able to sort the playlists of streaming services like Tidal individually within Djay Pro AI. There are only a few options to choose from (alphabetical, creation or modification date).
Alternatively, it might be possible to automatically adjust playlists in Djay Pro AI, which are created under “My Collection” and are ultimately based on playlists from streaming services, when something changes in the underlying playlists (new tracks, different order, removed tracks).


I agree. It would be nice to have similar functionality within the streaming service sources as we currently have within My Collection.

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Many users have been asking about it…for over 4 years now. Every Excel spreadsheet can do it, it should finally be possible! The price for the app is very professional, but not the support!

Thanks for the feedback @sellerie. I’ve passed this onto the dev team.

Hi @Chris_R, I think I misinterpreted your original post. I thought you wanted to add more Sort options within playlists, but it seems that you want to have more options for sorting the Playlists themselves. Can you please clarify exactly what your suggestion involves? Perhaps with some screenshots?

Hi @sellerie, can you please elaborate on what specific sorting options you’d like to see added? Please also clarify if you’re talking about sorting options for multiple playlists or if you’re talking about sorting options within a single playlist. Thanks!

I had to see for myself what I was thinking back then … :wink:
I usually manage my playlists directly in Tidal, because I can then also use it in everyday life to simply listen to music. There are folders there that each contain different playlists. In Djay Pro, however, this folder structure is not displayed, instead all playlists are displayed one below the other, sorted by alphabet, date of creation or date of last change. It would be better if the structure already created by Tidal (or other streaming services) could be adopted.
To achieve this, you can of course create additional playlists under “My collection” and sort them as desired, then also with folders. And you can also easily transfer a playlist from Tidal, for example (“Add to Playlist”). The problem, however, is that the content of this playlist is then fixed. So if I make a change in my playlists in Tidal, add or delete tracks or change the order, this is unfortunately not automatically transferred to the respective playlist under “My collection”. In the end, this means twice the work if you want to keep the playlists synchronized on both sides.
It would be nice if there was a solution. I hope you understand what I mean … :slight_smile:

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Hi @Chris_R, thanks for the clarification. That makes a lot more sense now. I’ve passed this onto the dev team.