Sound drop outs when connecting djay with iphone to a mixer


I am observing sound drop outs in music, playing from analog source, when connecting my iphone with djay to my mixer (Rane MP2015).
It is annoying as it breaks the sound of live music and people can hear it. Same happens also each time iphone is unlocked (I can bypass that by setting iphone not to lock the display).

I believe it is not a mixer issue as I cannot see the same behavior when connectin mac to it.

Anybody out there with same problem?


Hi there. Just trying to understand this. I am assuming you have a lightning to headphone adapter that you are connecting the iPhone through?
All the mixing is done on the iPhone? You are just using the output to a mixer?

I am using lightning adapter, correct.
I am mixing using two turntables connected to Rane MP2015 mixer. So, from djay perspective, Rane is a external mixer and djay is used as DVS.

So, if I play analog record, and I connect iPhone to the mixer, drop outs can be heard for few seconds. After that initial time, everything works.

Hi @Deandeen,

Sorry to hear you’ve been experiencing these dropouts as of late!

So that I can better assist you, could you please answer the following questions:

  1. What iPhone model are you using?
  2. What version of iOS are you running?
  3. Are you running djay v4.1.9?
  4. Have you encountered any other unexpected behavior since your initial post?
  5. Is this issue easily reproducible?

Thanks so much!

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Hi Nathaniel,

nice to hear from you. Let me answer one by one:

  1. I am using iPhone 12 mini.
  2. At the moment 10.5.1 (c). I see 10.6. is out, I will test it over the weekend with this release.
  3. Yes, djay 4.1.9
  4. No, nothing new
  5. It is very easily reproduced as it happens every time my iphone is connected or woken up from sleep.

Thank you!

Hi @NathanielAlgo,

I checked my setup once again. I am using the latest iOS (16.6) and issue still remains.

Tested various scenarios and can give you few more info. Also it does not matter if internal or external mixed mode is set, also it does not matter DVS is on or off.

Precondition: Analog vinyl is playing
Scenario 1:

  • iPhone connected to the mixer (everything still fine),
  • unlock iPhone (everything still fine),
  • djay is opened (0.5s drop-out occurs).

Scenario 2:

  • djay is not running OR running in the background
  • unlock iPhone (everything still fine),
  • djay is opened (0.5s drop-out occurs).

Scenario 3:

  • djay is running
  • unlock iPhone (0.5s drop-out occurs).

Precondition: DVS vinyl is playing
Scenario 1:

  • djay is running in the background
  • unlock iPhone (everything still fine),
  • djay is opened (everything still fine).

Scenario 2:

  • djay is running
  • unlock iPhone (everything still fine).

@Deandeen have you tried turning Bluetooth off on your iPhone? It may be trying to connect to a nearby Bluetooth audio device and causing the brief audio drop outs.


  1. Are you using the official Apple Lightning to USB 3 adapter kit or a 3rd party version? I’ve had issues with some 3rd party units.
  2. Have you tried a different USB cable between the adapter and the mixer? It’s best to use a high quality cable with ferrite chokes on either end to minimize interference. I’ve had audio drop outs when using cheap cables.


  • I have tried turning Bluetooth off, no difference.
  • Yes, I am using original apple adapter. Before I had 3rd party adapter and that one was terrible, causing spontaneous drop-out or even disconnect for few seconds…
  • Yes, I have USB cable with ferrite chokes. I also tried various ones.
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With iPhone 15 it is a bit better.
Scenario 3 is not happening, everything else is the same. Maybe drop-out is not so noticeable.

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Hi @Deandeen,

Unfortunately, we have been unable to reproduce the issues listed in this topic.

Have you tried updating your devices to iOS 17 to see if that resolves the case?

Additionally, would it be possible for you to send us a video of these continued events for further insight? If so, please follow the steps below:

  1. Upload your video file directly to our Dropbox service using this direct link: Upload to Dropbox.
  2. Upload your video file to a cloud storage service, like Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive, and share a link to your video.
  3. Then reach out to us via email at with the subject line “ATTN: NATHANIEL” and a link to this topic in the body of said email.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

I have IOS 17.1. Have uploaded videos using method 1. Thanks!

Try testing the problem using different USB cables.

Changing cables does not work.

Issue remain, also with IOS 17.4, djay 5.1.3.

I got myself an iPad Air 2. No issues there.

Thanks for the update @Deandeen! Glad to hear that sorted things out for you.

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