Add SoundSwitch Support

The app makes it easy to Dj, period. If that means amateurs are coming into the space, newbs are calling themselves DJs…well, good. It’ll fight off the impending tsunami of autonomous AI playing music. (I’m already warming up my shaking fist and practicing my “get off my lawn!” Voice)

Better people ask for what they want than have extraneous and/or esoteric options foisted on them. But if that’s not how you see it, I’m sure you can find what you’re lookin. for elsewhere, unless you’ve the chops to build it

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Continuing the discussion from dmx lighting control Support:

This is the main feature that is causing me not to transition to DJay Pro as my go to DJ Software. I’m a working mobile DJ. 2-4 events/week. I am Serato based. I will use Virtual DJ on occasion. I spin mostly video. Mac Book Pro. Simply clicking a button in Soundswitch ( Control One user) between the two is nice.
I have used DJay Pro/Algoriddim for at least 10 years as an IOS app for a backup and remote wedding ceremonies or as a backup should main system go down. Serato has been rock solid and only times i have ever had to use Djay Pro is when power was an issue.
The recent Apple Music addition
got me to download on my Macbook Pro and start to look at Djay as my main software. The DMX lighting control is my main hangup. If i have to reprogram or revert to a separate control software or controller it defeats the purpose.
This will be my main hesitance in converting and or purchasing a control product with Algoriddim in mind.


SS used to advertise comparability with djay through Ableton Link, until it didn’t. The change happened quietly. But I suspect there may still be a way to have it work, because what’s happening behind the curtain is quite similar to a DAW/midi editing platform. We need some folk around here (other than @Slak_Jaw ) who are willing to dig into OSC. I suspect it’s not as daunting and unapproachable as a lot of folks tend to think.


Hi @Nathan_Baker, I’ve merged your other topic with this existing one to keep the conversation organized. Thanks!

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NOTE: Please use the search function above before posting to avoid creating duplicate topics.

Im not happy to say I’m seriously considering switching to Serato simply because it works natively with Soundswitch. I’ve tried the Ableton Link “work around” that is terrible at best. I just can’t think of a good reason that Algoriddim would let this, from what I understand, open source protocol not work with their otherwise FANTASTIC software. I genuinely dislike using Serato.

This has been a source of discussion for years with no real answer. ABLETON IS NOT THE SOLUTION. IF Djay could tell Soundswitch what the BPM for the active deck is automatically, I might could get by. Ive never been able to get even that to work though. So unreliable I would NEVER trust it in a live situation, since some how Soundswitch tells Djay what the BPM is…

Algoriddim… You seem to really care for your users. IT’S BEEN LONG ENOUGH!!! PLEASE GIVE US FULL SUPPORT FOR SOUND SWITCH ASAP!!! Or tell us it will never happen so I can go complain to Serato that they don’t have the UI and features of DJAY PRO AI.

Your humble user,
DJ Beaver.


Hi @djbeaver, I’ve merged your topic with the existing Soundswitch topic to keep the discussion organized. In the future please use the search tool and refrain from creating multiple topics for the same discussion. Please also refrain from YELLING on this forum. This is not productive or helpful for anyone.

Thank you for the additional input. I will share this with the dev team for further consideration. We value all suggestions and consider them carefully. However, please understand that not all user suggestions can be implemented for various reasons. Also, as a policy we do not share product development roadmaps or timelines due to the nature of the development process. Please refer to this discussion on how our voting system works. Thanks for understanding.

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Hi Algoriddim,

I also purchased and converted to Serato purely because of SoudSwitch compatibility. But I much prefer DJay in every other way. For me, the need for customizable lighting shows outweighs all the other benefits that DJay brings to the table. What’s needed to make this a reality?


I have also purchased Serato to use at my bigger gigs so I can have a professional light show… it’s a real bummer because DJay Pro is superior in practically every other way. Serato feels like running with ankle weights. I love this program but leveling my production up limits my usage of it. Seems to be the case with most folks here :frowning:


I still have this hope of using Soundswitch in Djay Pro, I’m still stuck with Virtual DJ for light shows.


I 100% agree and am in the same boat as Mike. I use Serato ONLY because it happens to have a good working relationship with SoundSwitch. For a product like Djay Pro that is meant to make the DJ job easier and more fluid, the thing that would do this the most is through SoundSwitch integration.

And yes, their team is one of the most responsive you’ll find. I would be surprised if they didn’t jump at the chance to help with this. I’ll gladly start paying yearly for a subscription to Djay pro if you all can make SoundSwitch work.


EVERYONE… VOTE to keep this a HOT TOPIC. The more votes, the more the developers will be aware and get this very important feature implemented into the software. I love djay Pro and use it as my main DJ software. Keep up the great work Algoriddim!


Brief update -
Algoriddim recently reached out to do a user feedback interview. It was about a 20 minute video chat with a team member in Germany. When asked about what would make my workflow easier, SoundSwitch was all I asked for. I was told he that has been requested quite frequently and especially in America. All this to say, seems like there is hope!


I also would love SoundSwitch integration.l


Please click the blue vote button at the top of the post. This will make interest for this more visible to Algoriddim. :+1:t2:


Question will be will Soundswitch ever be available on iOS? As Algoriddim has significant user base on iOS I’m not sure this will happen. Could Soundswitch collaborate with djay to have inside software like enginedj? Maybe but Inmusic do own both Engine DJ and Soundswitch. Or you could just purchase a control one and have done with it. I’m looking at the ILS control, looks very neat.


Soundswitch on iOS devices would be cool! That would definitely eat into the Control Ones user base though. Having the auto-scripted tracks play is what most people are waiting for. As well as the MIDI Clock Timing that you get from full support. ILS does look cool! However I feel it’s not as robust when it comes to features compared to SoundSwitch. Control like you find in EngineDJ is a suggestion I gave but like you pointed out that may be something proprietary. Only time will tell!


Sound switch in Djay would be really nice and make Djay changing to my main deck
Wish my dreams come true !


Go vote for this topic at the top of this thread! Great way to get Algoriddim’s attention!

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To have the ability like Denon all in one controllers on screen would be very cool, especially on iPad.

Algoriddim would do very well to strengthen their relationship with Imusic. Would be a fantastic collaborative partnership in many ways. Numark, Rane, Denon DJ, Soundswitch to name a few.


I have limitation in votes but +1 from me too