very good morning,
I am a new user who discovered Djay literally yesterday, I use soundswitch, and currently there is a function to detect the BPM automatically, that is half of what I ask of you, before continuing I am a 13 year old beginner dj, who is looking for a flexible dj software that gives me many possibilities, Djay is a software that I love, I tried it for 1 hour and it is the best software I have seen, now yes, I need your development team to do One thing, One Creates an option like Ableton live that can be activated that allows the software to send data through a port such as what track is playing and what BPM it has. You only have to do that so that the Soundswitch team can implement the port connection option in their software. network as Virtual DJ does. Another alternative may be that for now you do this in Djay, that in the Sound Output selection part there is the soundswitch option or in some way it is selected in the audio source of soundswitch as: Djay Master Out or as you wish, 1/3 of your users have been asking you for this for 3 years, I give them the options that I mentioned above, I am a Windows user and soundswitch must be implemented in Djay in MacOs and Windows versions, and I think that due to limitations, on mobile devices it should be Through Control One. I have had to give up Rekordbox just for that and I don’t want to give up this software so easily. Finally I wish you all a happy 2025.
Juan Diego Franco From Colombia
Hi @Juan_Franco, welcome to the Community! I have changed your topic from a General Discussion to a Suggestion so you and other users can upvote this topic.
- I don’t have access to Soundswitch myself to confirm, but djay already supports Ableton LINK so perhaps you can use this to achieve your goals?
a. https://help.algoriddim.com/hc/en-us/articles/360012480400-How-do-I-use-Ableton-Link-in-djay-Pro-for-Mac
b. Ableton Link: Connect music making apps with Ableton Live | Ableton
- Can you please share more specific details of how Virtual DJ and Rekordbox integrate with Soundswitch?
- Also, there is an existing topic here for adding SoundSwitch support if you’d like to vote there: Add SoundSwitch Support
first of all, thank you very much for your quick response, I didn’t think it would be so quick,
Continuing, it is true that if you can connect with soundswitch through Ableton link, the problem is that ableton establishes a fixed BPM, which we cannot change or something like that, which is a serious limitation for DJs, 2. Of course you I will mention how these two softwares connect, Virtual DJ: this uses the Os2l function for its acronym “Open sound to light” which is a protocol that sends data such as: what track is playing, the position of the track in the track, what BPM it has, what thing is modifying it, such as some Effect, in the case that a loop is applied, the lights will apply Strober, Etc. All this information is necessary so that the magic can be done in soundswitch, the BPM is used to synchronize the beats of the track with the Autoloops that are also quantized by measures of 4, 8, etc. The rest of the info is for the Scripted tracks, which is a long story, Rekordbox uses the same method through Ableton link but I tried it and it is horribly difficult to use and does not meet the requirements. I ask you to tell the developers to integrate the Os2l protocol to Djay, and it is with this that the soundswitch team will prepare the rest. For now you could start with sending the BPM if it seems most viable to you,
Thank you very much, I look forward to your response.
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You’re welcome @Juan_Franco. Thank you for the addition info and details. This is super helpful. I will pass this onto the dev team for consideration.
In the meantime, here is some more info regarding SoundSwitch and Ableton Link:
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The soundswitch reads the music as a whole, not just the bpm, when the music changes, the lighting effects scene also changes, with perfect interaction between Virtual DJ and Serato, Engine DJ, (Rekordbox has its own system in DMX), the only thing missing is Djay.
Funcionan con ableton Los scripted tracks?
Ableton only autoloops according to the bpm of the song