Speaker Management

There is a app called Audioswitcher who handels speakers very well. You should do it the same way.

I also want control the order what speaker shol be selected automatically if aviable in order move the speaker up or down in the speakerlist.

Everytime when I open DJay Pro i have to go into the speaker dialog box and chose the speaker I want because the default Value is wrong.

There are rules what speaker I want use.

If my Bose F1 is on, I always want use them. If they are off, I want use my Canton speaker, if this speaker is off I want use Bose Soundcolor. If this is off I want use internal speakers.

If djay pro run with Bose Soundcolor and I switch on my large Bose F1 then DJay Pro should automatially switch to these speakers. If Bose F1 is on and I switch on my canton speakers djay pro should stay with Bose F1. If I swich Bose F1 off and Canton speaker are on djay pro automatically shoud use them.

If there is a way to tell Djay pro the hirarchy of what speaker it should use, it is not nessasary anymore to go in to the speaker dialog box.

With Audioswitcher it is easy and very fast to switch between this speakers systemwide. And i can use the bluetooth speaker AND bose F1 at the same time.

  • Speaker hirarchy
  • Simultaneous output to multiple devices
  • Change the volume without having change your current input / output
  • Switch audio devices using keyboard hotkeys – no need to touch your mouse
  • Switch from mono to stereo output
  • No more System Preferences – see all your devices in one click
  • Quickly change the device sample rate
  • Ignore certain devices
  • Set default startup input and output device and volume

Hi Manfred,
I assume you already know that in Queue you can Edit the order.

Haha, sorry thought you meant the order of the tracks :wink:

Hi Manfred Aumann,

thank you for the suggestion. Could you explain in more detail what you are using the Audioswitcher app for, so other users see the benefit and upvote your thread. 

Thank you in advance.

Lukas E.