Spotify folder structure is suddenly missing in Djay 2

In Spotify I organize my playlists using folders. This gives me a better overview of my playlists. Some of my playlists are used only for private music sessions, while I use others for DJ gigging. The playlists which I use for DJ gigging are all placed in a Spotify folder called DJ.

Up until a few days ago I could see exactly the same folder structure in Djay 2 as I saw in Spotify. However, suddenly the folder/playlis organization is lost in Djay 2… Why? When I open Djay 2 all my playlists from all my folders the Spotify are now shown in Djay 2 in one single flat structure… :frowning:

Am I doing something wrong? Is this a bug or in Djay 2 now supposed to be working this way after the latest update a few days ago?

In this screenshot you see my Spotify folder/playlist structure. You can see both the folder “DJ” and the playlists within that folder:…

In this screenshot you see the flat single level structure in Djay2…

Since the latest update of djay 2, the Spotify feature has an entire different technical background. We did this to solve a lot of problems users brought to us. On the downside, djay 2 is no longer capable of providing the Spotify folder structure.

We kindly ask for your understanding about this.

Same issue. Here…