Spotify stations far superior to nest match

This is somewhere between a complaint and an idea. I love the new Spotify integration, but am annoyed that the “Match”/automix radio is so terrible. Using a song I enjoy on regular spotify to create a station generates mostly similar songs that I also like, especially after I have used the “thumbs up/thumbs down” buttons a handful of times (which helps their algorithms understand what it is I want to hear).

The Match feature within Djay, however, seems to have no idea what it is that I am listening to. For example, a dance song for some reason led into some alternative 90’s rock songs with a similar bpm… Another recent house-tinged track generated mostly terrible 80’s synth dance. Mostly I end up listening to heavy metal… nothing like the music I started with. I’m not sure if Match is broken, or if it literally only considers pitch and tempo to find matches, but you really need to add those “thumbs up/thumbs down” buttons (at least for automix radio) so it is able to create a more intelligent station.

It is sad that the old Spotify station feature gives far better results than the new Echo Match.

Hi Paule,

Thanks for posting. Can you give us examples of the songs you use?

i forgot to mention that using a song to create a station in the regular Spotify app generates a very different (much better, more relevant) set of songs than that SAME song generates using the automix/match feature in Djay.

I think what he’s trying to say is when playing music from top 40s then it auto mixs to oldies which is a complete different genre of music. If you’re in Automix and you choose a specific genre of music it should auto mix the same genre until you change it your self.