Store the key change values with each track.

I’m a vocalist that frequently changes the keys for each track. Each time I load a track I have to reconfigure the key change manually. If I forget to change the key before singing it becomes a train wreck during a live performance. Would it be possible for the key change value to be stored along with the track data just as cue points are? There can exist a new settings option to load or not load the stored key change value upon track load.

I would be against such a change if it is implemented for the track. For audio quality, I would not want a track to be loaded with bpm or key processing options that reduce audio quality with the risk of not noticing it. Imo changing these settings should always be manual and consciously.

A compromise would be to save the key for a track in a playlist, so that only while loading from that playlist the key is applied to the track automatically.

Thanks for the suggestion @Bill_Colletti. I have forwarded this to the dev team for consideration. In the meantime, please use the blue Vote button at the top left of this page so we can gauge user demand for this feature. Thanks!

Thanks for the input and feedback @Brainbox

Hi @Bill_Colletti, this is a pretty niche request. Regardless, I have shared it with the dev team. In the meantime, you could check out our standalone Neural Mix Pro 2 app on the Mac Store. You could use this app to adjust the key of your tracks and then export them with the changes for use in djay. You can also use it to extract and export the various STEMs in case you want to remove any vocals for your live performances. I hope that helps!

It maybe a niche request in a DJ’s world but it can greatly open up your market to vocalists who will benefit from the ability to change keys on the fly when need be or have it saved/stored. As a vocalist and trumpet player I use the DJpro app as my backing tracks player/engine. The app’s capabilities are far superior than just selecting tracks from an iTunes or YouTube playlist that gives you nothing but play/stop functionality.

Thanks for the additional feedback @Bill_Colletti. I’ll pass this onto the devs. Thanks!