Store Track Play Count

useful to adjust a set based on play counts

It’s more than that - people might want to select specific iTunes fields to show in the list (e.g: I’d like to see rating and played count, not key). Obviously allow sorting of any column. Also perhaps allow column resizing to accommodate long track names.

Has this been given any more consideration? A year ago.

Hi alex,

so you would like to have the possibility to sort the library according to the tracks play counter like iTunes does?

Lukas E.

Thank you for the clarification. Would be great if other users can give their feedback to this topic in order to push it.

Btw, resizing is possible in djay Pro for the Mac while certain columns and resizing is not possible in the djay iOS implementation of the Apple Music app.

Cheers,Lukas E.

Every idea, feedback etc. is on our user request list. 
It would be nice if other users share their thoughts too, in order to see the user demand of the topic.

Cheers,Lukas E.