Synchronize Manually Set Gain Values across devices

Regarding the option” Save and Restore Manually Set Gain Values”: I use djay on two devices (iPad and iPhone) and noticed that the manually set gain levels on one device (say the iPad) are not automatically applied (synchronized) on the other device (eg like the hot cues).

It was quite an effort to set the gain levels for each track on my iPad as Djay‘s autogain doesn’t work sufficiently in my environment

Hi @turbopussy, if you manually copy the djaymedialibrary database from one device to the other this will include your manually set gain values along with any custom playlists that you created in the My Collection source of djay.

Just make sure to keep track of which device has your Master djaymedialibrary database so you don’t accidentally overwrite to new one with an old one. For this reason, I suggest that you backup your djay Media Library database regularly to an external drive or cloud storage. You can find the database in the following locations:

  1. iOS: using the Files App, navigate to Locations->On My iPhone/iPad->djay->User Data
  2. macOS:

When copying to Master database over to the other device, be sure to select “Replace” NOT “Keep Both” so it does not create a second database with a different name. I hope that helps!

Hi Slak. Can i transfert the database from a windows to macOS or android? Given that the files are there in iTunes.

@PatriceCros you can easily transfer the database between iOS and macOS because the file names and extensions are the same. If you look at the Windows and Android versions you will see they are not the same. So the short answer is no; not currently.

My question was:
Can I transfert the database from windows to macOS?

@PatriceCros, the answer is no, not currently.

Hi @Slak_Jaw , I tried to do so but when I try to open the Djay Media Library file from the iPad with my iPhone it says “Titel konnte nicht geladen werden. Ein unbekannter Fehler ist aufgetreten. Dies könnte durch eine beschädigte Audiodatei verursacht worden sein”