The new djay pro 5.0 update keeps crashing.

Hey Slak_Jaw

Since you guys are in the giving mood, can we get the old bigger cue markers?

The new ones are pretty small…



I have uninstalled and re - downloaded several times with the same error message as your screenshot. Any help would be appreciated.

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Same here just encountered same issue about to go live on air and wont open for love nor money just crashes

Mac mini M2
Sonoma 14.3

You have to update your laptop to the latest software otherwise the upgrade won’t work. That’s what happened for me, hope this helps

Ok so i am using dj pro version 5.0.3 and a macbook pro that is a 13 inch M1 2020 running Sonoma 14.0.
I have all the music downloaded.

I keep getting random freezes during songs. The really scary part is that it was during drag performances of 22 different queens, all of them giving their all and the were getting progressively more annoyed with me the DJ.

Please suggest a fix. I dont want to get beat up by a squad a fabulous queens. Please help!!!

“Freezing the music on 22 queens would be a scary scenario,” :sweat_smile:

When the song freezes, are you able to press play and it starts again or do you have to shut down the app and re start?
Are you using a controller or just the app within your MBP?


  1. The first thing I would do is check if you have any applications running in the background like iCloud syncing that are using up processing power.
  2. Also turn off automatic updates for your apps and OS to make sure this doesn’t happen while DJing.
  3. If you don’t need them during your set, I would turn OFF WiFi and Bluetooth as well.
  4. It’s a good idea to reboot your laptop before your gig and don’t open any applications that aren’t absolutely necessary for DJing.
  5. Check your available drive space and make sure you aren’t running low.
  6. Make sure your laptop isn’t overheating as this will cause thermal throttling and a reduction in performance.
  7. A quick Google search will likely provide some additional suggestions for improving your MacBook performance.

I will try closing any background apps next time. Not that I had many running that evening. Internet is actually wired in but I don’t really see how iCloud would be taking up that much processing if nothing else is running in the background. Is that really an issue? I literally have had all kind of apps running in the background I never had it freeze before. Do you know of any other possible reasons?

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No, i dont have to push play again. It starts on its own but the pause is terrifying. I am using a pioneer DDJ 200 controller.

An iCloud backup of your entire laptop during DJing could easily cause issues.

That’s different to the issue i was having.
My controller (Rane One) would just stop playing and pressing play would re start it…
I now perform a hard reset on my iPad before each set and close all apps…
It seems to have done the trick

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