Think I have a free pro version on Windows...

Hello, honest guy over here!

So, I downloaded the “trial” for Djay Pro in December 2023.
It said that I would have a 3 months trial (Which was enough time to know that it was time to convert from Serato DJ Pro).

Here we are, about 4 months later… it says I have pro but when I enter “Manage Subscriptions” on the web or app, it says “no purchases”, no other alternativ is available.
Am I missing something? Isn’t Pro available on Windows 11 or is my account bugged? :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi @djfredhaze,

We’re excited to share that we extended our free trial of djay Pro for Windows until the end of March 2024. Enjoy!


The gift that keeps giving.

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You are too kind, sir

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