tidal Genre playlist mismatch

Please crosscheck, Tidal Genre „Deutsch“ shows Nordic music from Denmark, etc. not German songs!

Thanks for reporting this. I just tried it on my device and I’m correctly seeing German songs. Did you try accessing this playlist from a city outside of Germany?

no, I’m living close to Darmstadt

Where I can see the registration country? I did the registration from home (Darmstadt) without any VPN tunneling and I got a German registration confirmation email.  
But I have used a promotion webseite to get 4 month for a low price: 

Hi Lukas, any progress on this?

Thanks, well done, it works now!

Thanks for the additional informations. We are investigating the issue and will keep you posted.

@Thorsten Leyh, could you please check in which country your account was registered in? Are you using an active VPN? Thank you for the informations.

Hi, This issue is on our agenda. Stay tuned!