Tidal Playlists not loading

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  • Device model: All apples products
  • Version of operating system: 18.1.1
  • Version of djay: 5.2.7

When I open the app and select a Tidal playlist it throws an error with “oops an unexpected error occurred “

Summary of the issue:

How to reproduce the issue:

This is an issue with Tidal. If you go into the Tidal app and try to load anything the same error occurs.

Nothing Algoriddim team can do here - Tidal has to fix this.

Hi @Pcastle06, I just tested Tidal within djay on my setup and everything is working as expected.

  1. Please log out of Tidal from with djay and all other Tidal stand alone apps and browsers.
  2. Then close djay and follow the procedure linked below to perform a Forced Restart of your iOS device(s):
    a. iPhone: Force restart iPhone - Apple Support
    b . iPad: https://support.apple.com/guide/ipad/force-restart-ipad-ipad9955c007/ipadosta
  3. After rebooting, make sure to disable any VPNs or proxies on your device(s).
  4. Launch djay and log back into Tidal within djay and retest. I hope that helps!

@Slak_Jaw There was a Tidal outage: x.com

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