Tidal restrictions clarification with 5.15 Update

Just updated app to 5.15 and got Tidal DJ Extension. Stems / Neural Mix works great. So the big questions for me: the “mixing from different streaming services” restriction. I tested it out, playing a Beatsource track and then mixing in a Tidal track. No issues at all, which is great because it used to give you an error message and not even let you play the other deck. HOWEVER, when I went to add a Tidal track to a playlist with Beatsource tracks, I got the same message as before. So which is correct?

  1. It’s working as intended and Tidal has (oddly) allowed us to mix tracks from different streaming sources, but we can’t have tracks from different streaming sources on the same My Collection playlist
  2. We are allowed to both mix tracks from different sources AND have different streaming source tracks on the same playlist BUT the error message I received was a bug and will be resolved.
  3. We are NOT allowed to either mix tracks from different streaming sources OR have different source tracks in the same playlist, and being able to mix tracks was a glitch that will be disabled soon.

Option 1 is a very strange place to draw the line, Option 2 is what I’m hoping is correct. Option 3 means I’m probably cancelling my Tidal subscription ASAP.


Good catch that. I get the same message. Hopefully this can be addressed.

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Despite the new update with Tidal stems coming back (yay!), we still cannot mix Tidal with other streaming services in playlists. Mixing between tracks works fine, so I don’t understand why this major limitation is still imposed.

Any explanation why this is the case?
Is it planned to change this?



Does anyone know if these restrictions also apply to serato or virtual DJ? Might help us understand whether it’s a Tidal restriction or just something Algoriddam over looked.

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I have VDJ and can confirm that there is no such restriction there. It is possible to add tracks from all streaming services including Tidal into one playlist. I just have tested it again with adding tracks from Tidal, Beatport, Beatsource and SoundCloud into one playlist and it worked fine.


Thank you. Just so we know it’s not a tidal restriction.

@Slak_Jaw can you take a look into this please.


The dev team is already looking into this…


Eggcellent. Thank you v much

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I was wondering if there were any news on this?

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Hi @feierlaune, I will share news here when I have it. Thanks for checking in.


Any updates? Thanks!

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No updates to share right now.

Thanks. Can you tell us a bit more about where the process is stuck at the moment? It seems like a trivial change to remove such a restriction and I was hoping it had made it into the latest update mid May. Will it be part of the next one?

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Must admit that’s what I thought. Seems a bit odd that you can mix tracks from other streaming services with Tidal but not in same playlist. Surely can’t be too hard to fix. Seems an easy one that just makes sense to djs work flow.

Unfortunately, all I can say at this time is that the team is aware of this and is working with Tidal on relaxing these restrictions. Thanks.

Something that may be worth mentioning to Tidal, these restrictions only worsen the user experience and do not prevent the mixing of streaming sources in playlists as there is a work-around. If a user creates a playlist folder, then creates two playlists labeled “Tidal” and “Non-Tidal”, they can put all Tidal tracks in the “Tidal” playlist and other streaming sourced tracks in “Non-Tidal”. Then when you click on the actual folder, you see both sources mixed together, essentially giving you a mixed source playlist. So the restriction does not prevent what they’re trying to prevent, and instead just adds unnecessary steps to the user’s process. And even worse, with the incorrect source glitch that still hasn’t been resolved, even if I did just exclusively use Tidal tracks when making a playlist, I’d still be hit with the restriction notification because the tracks would be misidentified as being from another source. So again, it doesn’t restrict what it’s supposed to, and you get punished even when you follow the “restriction”.



Will there be an update to let you add Tidal songs into playlists with Beatsource and SoundCloud? The DJ subscription should have rectified that, right?

Thank you

Hi @E_Flem, I’ve merged your new topic with this existing one. The dev team is aware of this issue and is discussing it with TIDAL. I will share any developments here when I have news. Thanks.

Still no resolution to this problem?

I’m still having the same issue. I’m not sure if the severity of this is being passed onto the dev team, but this is an app breaking bug. This restriction, in combination with the mind-boggling design choice to have the software pull tracks from whichever streaming platform can ping a track first, means that even if you follow Tidal’s rules and create a playlist IN Tidal with ALL Tidal tracks, the second you move it into “My Collection”, some of the tracks get switched to other streaming sources, locking the playlist from any further changes unless you go through and remove the switched tracks manually.