Tidal updated Terms of Service & Price Increase

Elsewhere it’s come to light that apparently stem separation is making a comeback with this higher DJ tier.


Looks good. I’d still prefer Deezer though, as it looks they’re still allowing stems for the normal pricing.

@Slak_Jaw Isn’t it counterproductive to close suggestions? People can’t add their vote then…

NOTE: Please use the search function above before posting to avoid creating duplicate topics.

I just got an email saying as of 4/10/24 I’ll need to add the “DJ Extension”. No word in the email nor online whether the DJ extension adds anything we’ve asked for like stems or offline locker. Finger crossed :crossed_fingers:

Like the note says, use search before posting. There are already several threads running about this.

Hello everyone, I have merged these 3 new Tidal topics into one as they are very closely related. Thanks!

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Today I got an email from Tidal, telling me they will DOUBLE the price of subscription for DJ to €20/month after May 13th. For me that just fiddle a few times per year it’s hard to justify the cost. Will try Apple Music instead. Very good timing for this!

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Having seen some info earlier from Tidal, I’m a little confused over the April/May thing. They’re quoting both dates and the wording is ambiguous.

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From what I’ve been seeing the last couple of months, communication is not one of their key strengths.


I’m encouraged by that screenshot showing stems might be back. But … no mention of offline locker is a massive MASSIVE disappointment.

I love that Beatport has both stems and offline locker BUT I play pop, R&B, and hip hop, so it doesn’t work for me.

It’s definitely there - VirtualDJ users have had access to it for a while now.

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Where did you find this screenshot? I’m scouring their support section.

I know VDJ has had offline locker for months, but I haven’t seen word we’ll have it in DJAY.

It’s from an email that Tidal sent in reply to a DJ on another forum who had a few questions earlier today.

Alright thanks.

This link may not yet be updated, but VDJ is the only one that mentions offline locker.

UPDATE (6 March): We reached out to Tidal, and a Tidal spokesperson told us this: “I can confirm we’re bringing back stems as part of the new DJ extension along with some additional features built for the DJ community.”

Confirmed: VDJ stems are still working with Deezer for the normal price.

I don’t trust Tidal one bit.

Received an email from Tidal.

As part of our changes to streaming, DJ integrations will only be available to Individual plan subscribers as an add-on for an additional $13/month after April 10, 2024. You will receive extended access to DJ integrations on TIDAL until May 13, 2024.
Switch your plan to a TIDAL Individual plan with the DJ Extension after April 10, 2024 to continue using DJ integrations without interruption.

What does this mean for djay pro users. Are we forced to change our subscription from family to individual. Or do we need to do this to unlock AI Stems? If we stay the same can we still use djay pro as it works today.

Hi @Steve_Houston, I’ve merged your topic with this existing one. Please remember to use the Search tool before creating new topics. Thanks!

Since stems are also blocked for Apple, can you tell us if it’s really something Apple told you to do because of label restrictions?

I mean, it’s a new implementation, there surely must have been clear (internal) discussions with Apple on the topic or it would not have been disabled…

I’ve been using Tidal for years, but my loyalty ends right now. There are too many things that bother me. Constantly, songs are going to be deactivated, which then have to be searched for again, sorted and given cue points. I find it very difficult to find new music on Tidal. To this day, Tidal hasn’t managed to create decent playlists based on my preferences. Additionally, curated playlists are a joke. As a user living in Germany, Tidal is constantly trying to suggest german hiphop to me, which i just hate. And now 9 euro for the connection to DJ software? I currently feel very comfortable with Soundcloud - stem separation works, and all songs are permanently available. And I know who I will support with my fees.

All comes down to revenue I think. If Tidal do bring back stems for a higher fee, then that tells you all you need to know. For an extra £9 a month there is no way labels would turn around and say “wow so cool, we’re now down for your users to able use stems from our catalog” I don’t subscribe to Tidal but if stems do come back there, I may look at it. Plus will then Apple do the same? Who knows… lots of unknowns right now.

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