Tidal updated Terms of Service & Price Increase

I just received the email below from Tidal.

Good news:

  • Tidal consolidates HIFI tiers into one plan offering enhanced sound quality at no extra cost.
  • Extended free access to DJ integrations until 13.05.24.

Bad news:

  • DJ integrations will incur an additional cost.
  • Users must switch to a new plan with DJ Extension to continue using DJ integrations without interruption.

To me time has come to switch to Apple music or Soundcloud - unless they will do a similar move.

How do people feel about this Tidal news? What will be your next move, pay or go?

On April 10, 2024, we’re making it easier to enjoy best-in-class sound quality by combining our HiFi and HiFi Plus tiers into a single subscription tier called TIDAL, available for 13,90 Fr/month.
Our new TIDAL Individual plan now gives you access to our music library in full lossless, HiRes FLAC, and Dolby Atmos sound—for the same price of 13,90 Fr/month.
As part of our changes to streaming, DJ integrations will only be available to Individual plan subscribers as an add-on for an additional 12,09 Fr/month after April 10, 2024. You will receive extended access to DJ integrations on TIDAL until May 13, 2024.
Switch your plan to a TIDAL Individual plan with the DJ Extension after April 10, 2024 to continue using DJ integrations without interruption. Visit your subscription page at [account.tidal.com] on your first billing date on or after April 10, 2024. Thanks for choosing to be a TIDAL subscriber.


For me it is Time to go to Beatport.

Others will follow Tidals Way. Couse tgere is a lot Money to make.

Beatport kost about 15 per month.

Tidal will be 19. For me a Nobrainer.

Beatport got much more. And ALL Tracks are Extended Versions. The whole Armada Label releases Shortcuts first on Tidal or Spotify for example. The Extendeds are available when the Tracks are “old”.


Not in all genres though. Some DJs play all kinds of music, and Beatport doesn’t offer that.

Tidal has videos as well. That’s another advantage.


As I briefly wrote here, there is still one important question for me: With the DJ addon, is it only possible to use the service with a DJ software or does this also include the license for commercial use? If it’s just access to the catalog, it will be too expensive for many people. But if you’re on the safe side legally when you DJ with Tidal, especially at events, the extra charge should be completely reasonable.


This is true. But myself only play Techno.


Update - Apparently the stem separation is coming back with the new DJ tier.


It looks like you have to cancel your subscription if it’s gone through Apple and get a new one directly from Tidal to use Tital on Day from May. The price looks like its £13 per month PLUS an additional £9 to use Tidal in Day… Thats £22 a month… Quite a jump.

Does another know if Apple are following this and charging to use Djay? I can see many day uses dumping Tidal next month


I’m going to stop using it for sure unless they’re adding goodies.

It would surprise me though, as the same email would have been the best place to announce extra features.


Unfolding here. But I wouldn’t hold my breath.


Elsewhere it’s come to light that apparently stem separation is making a comeback with this higher DJ tier.


Looks good. I’d still prefer Deezer though, as it looks they’re still allowing stems for the normal pricing.

@Slak_Jaw Isn’t it counterproductive to close suggestions? People can’t add their vote then…

NOTE: Please use the search function above before posting to avoid creating duplicate topics.

I just got an email saying as of 4/10/24 I’ll need to add the “DJ Extension”. No word in the email nor online whether the DJ extension adds anything we’ve asked for like stems or offline locker. Finger crossed :crossed_fingers:

Like the note says, use search before posting. There are already several threads running about this.

Hello everyone, I have merged these 3 new Tidal topics into one as they are very closely related. Thanks!

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Today I got an email from Tidal, telling me they will DOUBLE the price of subscription for DJ to €20/month after May 13th. For me that just fiddle a few times per year it’s hard to justify the cost. Will try Apple Music instead. Very good timing for this!

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Having seen some info earlier from Tidal, I’m a little confused over the April/May thing. They’re quoting both dates and the wording is ambiguous.

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From what I’ve been seeing the last couple of months, communication is not one of their key strengths.


I’m encouraged by that screenshot showing stems might be back. But … no mention of offline locker is a massive MASSIVE disappointment.

I love that Beatport has both stems and offline locker BUT I play pop, R&B, and hip hop, so it doesn’t work for me.

It’s definitely there - VirtualDJ users have had access to it for a while now.


Where did you find this screenshot? I’m scouring their support section.

I know VDJ has had offline locker for months, but I haven’t seen word we’ll have it in DJAY.