Track length showing 0:00 - Using External Drive

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  • Device model iPad (8th generation) 32 GB
  • Version of operating system IOS 18.2.1:
  • Version of djay 5.2.8
  • Hardware/controllers used Reloop Mixon 4

Hi Algoriddim Team

I have started to use an external storage device to keep all my tracks/playlists on djay pro, as I had been saving tracks for a set on my iPad internal storage and then remove after the set and then with a new set repeat the process. This was due to the iPad only have 32 GB of storage.

I am keen to have all my tracks available on my iPad via external drive, so I always have tracks ready to use.

I have imported the files using the linked file option and then added to an all music playlist. A number of my tracks show as 0.00 length, but will still play on either the USB or SD card. At this moment in time, I have approximately 5000 files. Not sure if this is relevant, but I use Platinum Notes and run my tracks through here before I use them in my mixes.

Have reanalyzed all tracks again and still no change. I find the playlist length helpful when preparing a set for my Mixcloud mixes and would be useful if I could get a resolution.

Is there something I am doing incorrectly? Is there anything else you would advise I try?

Many thanks,

I would first check that the files aren’t corrupted.
Basicly if the file is corrupted, the calculation of the length, importing tags etc might be incorrect.

Some apps are better handling issues, trying to “fix” the problem without causing issues to user.

Thanks dj_romy_fl, files aren’t corrupted as far as I know, and all tracks work fine otherwise. Is there a way I can double check for corrupted files, that you would recommend?


Hi @djmatthofficial, thanks for the details about your setup and the issue. Can you please try re-analyzing the songs using the method shown in the screenshot below?

Hi @Slak_Jaw

I had done this previously and hadn’t worked unfortunately. Deleted the linked folder and reimported on SD drive and done what you advised and still a number of tracks showing 0.00s.

Have tried on both my iPad and iPhone 14 and get the same issue.

Grateful for any further advice to help resolve this issue.

Best wishes,

Hi @djmatthofficial, I can’t think of anything else to suggest at the moment, but I’ve passed this onto our engineering team to see if they have any ideas. I’ll report back soon. Thanks!

Hi again @djmatthofficial,

  1. Does the duration show up if the file is stored on the iPhone internal storage?
  2. Also does the duration show if you add the folder to the My Files source on iOS?

Hi again @djmatthofficial, I’m just following up on my questions above from a week ago.

Hello! It’s been a week since my last reply. I’m going to consider this topic completed for now so I can focus on others. However, please feel free to respond and we can definitely revisit this. Thanks!