Traktor-style Modifiers and Conditions?

+1 for modifiers. It is very important to have more modifiers available to make complete maps on midi controllers. I also switched to djay pro because I see future and development but we have been asking for this option for a long time now, please make this possible. thanks

I’m up to this! im using some controllers for the FX and neural but sometime i’m limited because the lack of modifiers

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Hi, is there a chance that DjayPro implements so-called modifiers (like NI Traktor) for the mapping? Since the shift button does not cover all possibilities. Greetings

I realise this is an old thread but I am new to trialling DJay Pro from Traktor and these suggestions for modifiers would be awesome to allow us to get more out of our NI controllers. I have just about every Traktor controller and would love to get more out of my S2 Mk3 and D2s. Recognising active loops or even just the shift key would be a welcome addition. I’ve been using DJay Pro only a couple of days and I’m already wishing it did this… thanks.

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Hi @DoctorBlock, thanks for the input. I have passed this onto the dev team for consideration. In the meantime, please use the blue Vote button at the top left of this page so we can gauge user demand for this.

I support this feature. A dj software and midi controller are the leading actors and the correlation between the two is important. Midi is one of the most important basic concepts here and it is important that it is capable. I have been a Traktor user almost since the day it was first released, and one of the few things that binds me to Traktor is this flexibility in midi mapping. And additionally midi mapping should be improved in general. +1500

(used translation)