Transfer all hot cues and loops to iTunes

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  • Device model iPad Pro 4th gen
  • Version of operating system osx 17.7
  • Version of djay 5.2.7
  • Hardware/controllers used Mixon 8

when a wedding client gives me a Spotify playlist with requests I use Lexicon app to find which tracks are in my iTunes already and then I can download the ones I don’t have. in order to do this I must delete the all tracks from the lexicon app then reimport them from iTunes (cos there is no option for DJay Pro import ) so I have my upto date iTunes library in lexicon. each time I add tracks I need to delete and reimport all tracks into lexicon.

the issue seems to be that each time I reimport all the tracks from iTunes to lexicon then I also import old hot cues and loops from iTunes DJay pro app uses them and not the hot cues and loops that are the most up to date that I added not the app. does that make sense?

is there a way for me to transfer all hot cues and loops to the iTunes files? so that when lexicon reimports all the tracks it doesn’t bring all the old hot cues and loops.


Is there a way for me to force djay pro app to not read hot cues and loops from iTunes?

maybe I missing something.

Hi @Nubium, sorry for the delayed reply. I’m not 100% sure I understand the workflow here. The Apple Music/iTunes library itself does not support cue point metadata. Could you record a short video showing the full workflow and also the issue? Thanks!

Hello! It’s been more than a week since my last reply. I’m going to consider this topic completed for now so I can focus on others. However, please feel free to respond and we can definitely revisit this. Thanks!