Unable to load songs due to space

Can’t load songs in the DJAY collection source it says:
The file couldn’t be saved because there isn’t enough space. The volume data is out of space.
What can I do?

@Keyman can you share a screen shot of the error message? Do you actually have free space available on your device? Sounds like you probably just need to delete some stuff from your device to make space.

Hi thanks for the response. Please see attached.
I have over 100GB available on the iPad. So it’s weird that it won’t load.

The error actually says the data can’t be SAVED, not LOADED.

Just a thought but is your iCloud Drive full?


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No I have a large account. Can’t be.

And you are running the latest recognised OS?

i.e. You haven’t installed the public beta of 17……

Just checking as the betas aren’t supported and are known to currently cause issues.


Hello all and thanks for the efforts. Some reason the load was 800+ songs and wouldn’t work. I started loading about 200 at a time and it worked.
Thanks again…

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no its 16.6I’m perplexed… not sure what to do

@Keyman I just wanted to follow up and see if you are still having issues with this?

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