Unable to manually update calculated BPM on Djay Pro AI for Mac

Unable to manually change calculated BPM on a song.

For songs streamed from Tidal, after entering BPM and exiting the text box the BPM reverts to the original.

For local songs, after entering BPM and exiting the text box the BPM remains, but the Apply button is greyed out.

Djay Pro remembers the BPM for all songs, local or from Tidal, once calculated. I expect to be able to override this value.


I have had this happens to me once or twice but mainly it works fine

Hi @Jerry,

Welcome to the Community and thanks for posting this issue. I’ve just tried to reproduce this behavior on djay Pro AI for Mac, but haven’t been able to. You should be able to edit the BPM value for any song in djay.

So we can take a closer look, could you please get a video of the issue occurring and drop it here? Just let me know when you’ve done so, and then I can further troubleshoot this with you.

Thanks in advance!

Hi Emily

I went to reproduce the problem, but it seems OK now. It appears to store the calculated BPM so I can restore it which is great.

Not sure what the Apply button is for since it never. appears to be enabled.

@maurizio_T - It helps to know I wasn’t imagining what I saw :wink:

Thanks all.

Hi @Jerry,

I’m glad to hear things are working as expected now. Just let us know if you run across the problem again.

The Apply button is enabled when you’d like to approximate the correct BPM by using the Tap button in the BPM editing panel. While the track is playing, you can click the Tap button in time with the beat, then select Apply to use this approximated BPM value for the song.

Have a great day! :musical_note:

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