Unexpected / forced logout Apple Music

Hi all,
It has happened frequently during the month of December at performances. Which is quite uncomfortable and very unprofessional of me to break a set because the streaming “crashes” without my intervention, whether on iOS or MacOs.

These little big bugs that have been appearing lately on Apple Music made me hastily resubscribe to Tidal and have RekordBox ready because Djay stopped giving me confidence. I have been a user of this software even before the beginning (beta tester) and I have never had so many doubts about using it at this point. In addition to its reliability, it was stable and cross-platform, which for me was the reason to continue using it. It was reliable and all this even without the advent of streaming. I leave a link to self-explanatory video of the bug.
This error, although I haven’t found it reported ( i´ve searched ) on this forum, I’ve seen it reported on Reddit and in Facebook groups.

Link for video: https://www.veed.io/view/f8882f52-3d23-49fc-9b17-af39d3c48b94

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Hi @Marcio_Reis, please enable sharing permission on the video so we can view it. Thanks!

A post was merged into an existing topic: Search Field - keyboard loses focus and accidentally initiates hot keys

Potentially related post in another topic, where the user is logged out of Apple Music: Search Field - keyboard loses focus and accidentally initiates hot keys - #12 by mp3juggle

@Slak_Jaw Please check this link:

Thanks for the video @Marcio_Reis. This is very helpful. I haven’t been able to replicate this so I need to pass this onto engineering for further review. I’ll report back when I hear back.

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Hi @Marcio_Reis, sorry for the delayed reply. Unfortunately, our engineering team was unable to reproduce this issue, however, we suspect it may have been linked to another AM issue that has since been resolved. Can you please confirm if you are still experiencing this issue or not with djay 5.2.8? Thanks!

Hi @Slak_Jaw I will try on the next gig and a i will be back to you soon.
thanks for your concern. Cheers

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You’re welcome @Marcio_Reis. Looking forward to hearing your update.

Hi @Slak_Jaw, worked flawless! Thanks

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You’re welcome @Marcio_Reis! That’s great news. Thanks for the follow up!