Urgent Bug Report - djay Pro Software Crash on macOS 14.3 Beta 1

Dear Algoriddim Support Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to report a critical issue with the djay Pro software version 5.0.3 on macOS 14.3 Beta 1.

Upon attempting to open the application, it crashes immediately. This issue was not present during the beta testing phase, and I only encountered it yesterday. I used the application without any problems, but it started crashing during use. Unfortunately, I did not receive any error messages, making it challenging to identify the specific cause of the problem.

Here are the details of the environment where the issue occurred:

  • djay Pro Version: 5.0.3

  • macOS Version: 14.3 Beta 1

  • MacBook Air M2

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Launch djay Pro.

  2. The application crashes immediately upon opening.

I understand the importance of beta testing, and I appreciate the effort your team puts into delivering a stable and reliable product. However, this recent development has hindered my ability to use the djay Pro software effectively.

I kindly request that your development team investigates and addresses this issue promptly. It would be highly beneficial if a software update could be pushed to the App Store for Mac users soon. This will not only resolve the problem at hand but also ensure a seamless experience for all users on the latest macOS version.

Please let me know if you require any additional information or if there is a workaround that I can implement in the meantime. I look forward to your swift resolution of this matter.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter, and I appreciate your commitment to delivering a high-quality product.

@Cooljackdj macOS Version: 14.3 Beta 1 contains a known issue affecting djay (which we already reported to Apple).

Please install an official macOS release in order to use djay. Thanks!

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