Use VSTs as effects

Thinking about how Djay Pro could be made to be incredibly modular for set up, would it be possible to use any VST in the ‘effects’ section? So just as a super-simplistic example you might be able to plug in this flanger:

And boom you’ve got an effect to use on your deck via the Djay Pro interface.

Just thinking that this would allow Djay Pro to be really modular/flexible in terms of what it could do :slight_smile:

I believe that the only plug-ins/addons that djay can currently use are AU rather than VST. (I think there WAS a flanger in the AU package…or you can find one to add yourself…)
I know that this has been brought up before, and I’m sure the dev team is pondering how to bring the possibility into reality for users, but there are cans of worms they don’t want to be opening in doing so.


Hey @Algy_Taylor,

Thanks for the suggestion! Really appreciate it.

As @heysoundude mentioned, we are always looking for ways to incorporate new features into djay - especially something like this.

We’ve passed this along to our engineering team for further review. As new information comes in, we’ll be sure to update this thread. Have a nice day!

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Using AU/VST/VST3 effects with Djay Pro would be a game changer for the digital music mixing software industry! I’d love to see this feature added.

It would help if you click the vote button on top. :wink:

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@Algy_Taylor here is something i stumbled across in my travels on the interwebz that may interest you:

You may want to give @Slak_Jaw a wee bit of a poke for some assistance, because if that supports MIDI messaging and his iDevice remote talks OSC (which also speaks MIDI), you may be able to come up with some new revolutionary functionality for the rest of us

and @Bruno50 you might want to pay attention to this as well…

this all might collide in a neat-o fusion-y way. let’s go teamdjay2024!!!


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