Using All 6 FX Buttons on Rane One


I would like to know how to assign 6 different FX to both decks on the Rane One.

In this video, you can clearly see DJ Carlo using the FX 1 button to affect both decks using the appropriate paddles. If he was able to do it years ago, it surely must be possible now.

Thanks for the help!


Hi @Fangio, I checked with engineering and DJ Carlo was likely using a modified or pre-release version of the RANE One mapping that didn’t illuminate the FX1-6 buttons accurately. You can’t see his entire computer screen but we can guarantee that he had an Echo loaded in each FX1 of both decks. You can not apply FX of the left deck to the right deck in djay. If you want, e.g. an Echo on both paddles like DJ Carlo in the video, you need to select it on both decks and press the FX1 and FX4 buttons simultaneously on the Rane ONE to arm both. I hope that helps. Thanks!