Using Channel 3 of Mixon 8 Pro with DVS

I’m using a Mixon 8 with DJay Pro in iPad.
Recently I’ve purchased a Reloop MK7000 for using both with DVS records and audio vinyl.
I achieve to use DVS in channel 1 or 2, but until now I was unable to configure DJay for using Channel 3 as DVS.
Is it possible?

Good question. Let me check with the engineering team on this one.

Hi @Dig_Art,

  1. Only the inputs for Channels 1 and 2 on the Mixon 8 are DVS enabled.
  2. By default they are assigned to Decks 1 and 2, but they can easily be un-assigned, then re-assigned to Decks 3 and 4 in the Settings:

Hi @Slak_Jaw
Thanks for the answer.
I have the turntable connected to Channel 1 (Deck 1) on the Mixon, using the Phono configuration.
In my logic, Channel 1 (Deck 1) is equivalent to input Channels 1-2, Channel 2 to 3-4 and so on.
When I try to assign Deck 3 to input channels 1-2 and calibrate, there’s no signal in there.
Only using channel 7-8 (?!?!?!) I get a signal but it is unusable to control Deck 1.
Then I restarted everything all over again and apparently is working,

Anyway, I notice that sometime I have 4 pairs of inputs (from 1-2 to 7-8) and other times I have only one (1-2). Don’t understand the reason.

What’s the best sequence for starting DJay?
Before or after switching on the Mixon 8?

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Hi @Dig_Art, my personal workflow on iOS is to launch djay first then power up my DJ hardware. This seems to work well for me with a large variety of different DJ controllers. However, I’ve asked the engineering team if they have a recommended best practice. I’ll report back when I hear from them as well.

Hi @Dig_Art, I spoke with the engineering team and they said the optimal moment to plug the device in is after djay has launched to avoid the situation where there are only two channels.

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Hi @Dig_Art, this will be addressed in an upcoming update (likely 5.2). Thanks!