Using Channel 3 of Mixon 8 Pro with DVS

I’m using a Mixon 8 with DJay Pro in iPad.
Recently I’ve purchased a Reloop MK7000 for using both with DVS records and audio vinyl.
I achieve to use DVS in channel 1 or 2, but until now I was unable to configure DJay for using Channel 3 as DVS.
Is it possible?

Good question. Let me check with the engineering team on this one.

Hi @Dig_Art,

  1. Only the inputs for Channels 1 and 2 on the Mixon 8 are DVS enabled.
  2. By default they are assigned to Decks 1 and 2, but they can easily be un-assigned, then re-assigned to Decks 3 and 4 in the Settings:

Hi @Slak_Jaw
Thanks for the answer.
I have the turntable connected to Channel 1 (Deck 1) on the Mixon, using the Phono configuration.
In my logic, Channel 1 (Deck 1) is equivalent to input Channels 1-2, Channel 2 to 3-4 and so on.
When I try to assign Deck 3 to input channels 1-2 and calibrate, there’s no signal in there.
Only using channel 7-8 (?!?!?!) I get a signal but it is unusable to control Deck 1.
Then I restarted everything all over again and apparently is working,

Anyway, I notice that sometime I have 4 pairs of inputs (from 1-2 to 7-8) and other times I have only one (1-2). Don’t understand the reason.

What’s the best sequence for starting DJay?
Before or after switching on the Mixon 8?

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Hi @Dig_Art, my personal workflow on iOS is to launch djay first then power up my DJ hardware. This seems to work well for me with a large variety of different DJ controllers. However, I’ve asked the engineering team if they have a recommended best practice. I’ll report back when I hear from them as well.