Using external audio devices with TRAKTOR S3 in MIDI Mode

I’m trying to use either the TRAKTOR S3 USB port or the RCA jacks to plug in external audio player (my iPhone as an example) while using the S3 in MIDI mode while working with djay. Somehow this doesn’t work.

In midi mode how do I connect external audio device into S3 and route them into one of the DECKS in djay pro? Is this possible? This works perfectly with NI TRAKTOR software. Thanks for any guidance in advance.

Hi @muthyas, welcome to the community.

I’m not super familiar with the Traktor S3. However, unless the S3 hardware itself allows you to route the external RCA audio input to a Deck/Channel itself (via a switch or button on the S3), you will not be able to do this through the djay software.

Thanks for the note. It does allow with TRAKTOR PRO 3 is connected with a button.

How about routing audio from external USB port into a Deck? In other words, can I connect a USB audio device (my iPhone) to the TRAKTOR S3 USB port that could be routed to one of the decks on djay?

Actually on the RCA, the S3 does have a switch which routes RCA to one of the DECKS. But I guess this switch has to be mapped in djay?

@muthyas okay, the hardware switch should help the situation. I have forwarded this to the engineering team to see if they have any ideas. I’ll report back here if they come up with a solution.

I don’t believe this is possible with the S3. I believe the two USBs cannot be used at the same time. I think it’s an either or situation. So if your laptop is attached to the USB-B socket you can’t have an iOS device connected and working at the same time.

@muthyas I checked with engineering and the djay audio engine currently does not support replacing a deck with an external audio input source.

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