Using Homepod mini with djay app on ipad with ddj 200


I have a DDJ200, i use it with djay and its an amazing tool. The audio splits with an adapter. I want to use a Homepod mini for reproducing the sound, how can i achieve this? I don’t want the left channel to be reproduced, because is the one i use to mixing.


It is doable, BUT, you will have terrible latency issues with the sound from the HomePod.

It’ll be at least half a second (if not longer) out from your headphones.

Any Bluetooth / WiFi speaker will have a latency lag.

If you really want to know how to set it up, I’ll set mine up tomorrow to remind me how I tried it and give you the setup route.


S :+1:t2:

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I can mix with delay on the speaker, but on the headphones is a really bad experience.

How can i output only one channel to the speakers?

Any help would be amazing!
Thanks for your answer,


@Harry_Nichh for the audio splitter cable connection to work properly with the DDJ-200, it needs to be physically connected to your speaker not wirelessly. I recommend you select a speaker that you can plug into with the aux connector.

I also found this setup guide for the DDJ-200 which might be helfpful:

Hey Slak,

Thanks for your help. I used my controller many times with wired speakers
and everything works well. My question was related to the chance to play
the music on a Homepod mini speaker (with airplay), but it seems that is
not possible.

El El mar, 5 dic 2023 a la(s) 14:40, Slak Jaw via Algoriddim Community
Forums escribió:

As far as I know, this is not currently possible @Harry_Nichh. I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure this is an iOS limitation.

I’ve just checked and it is possible on my MacBook Pro M1 and iPad Pro M1.
Just choose the HomePod as the output from the Control Centre Airplay button, fire up Djay and the sound is out of the HomePod.
You can’t select the HomePod as a source in the software though, it has to be done via Control Centre.


S :+1:t2:

Edit: Thinking about it I didn’t try precuing a second track….that might be an issue. Will try tomorrow.

Thanks for this @sooteee. Yeah, I think the issue will be with the headphone cue when set up this way. Might be possible on macOS with system audio routing, but I don’t think so on iOS.

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