Voice Over Adjustable Crossfader

Hi, I hope my post has been published here, I’m just new to the community Forums, (literally don’t know how to use but learning :sweat_smile:).

I hope the members of the support team are reading my post. I’m just waiting for my small bug to be fixed. It’s something with VoiceOver, (adjustable crossfader). Not sure am I allowed to provide the ticket ID I received the email. Can a staff reply to me please? Thanks.

Hi @Geezeption,

The support team has received your bug report and will respond via direct email within the next 24hrs with an update from our engineering team. Please understand that our teams are very busy at the moment, but they will get to you as soon as they can. Thanks!

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No worries. I’m patient. I wanted to make sure my bug report didn’t get lost, lol. Thanks!

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