Wego Left Deck Pitch Control Problem

Hi Support,

I have a wego controller running DJay 2 on an IPad 2. The IPad has just been updated to iOS7 and I’ve also updated the wego firmware.

The left deck pitch control indicator fluctuates speed and it’s readout on some tracks and makes it impossible to synch tracks. I mainly play 4/4 house music, so would not expect to experience this. All of my music is purchased through iTunes, and I’m sure the music files are not the issue.

When I play the same track on the right deck, it’s absolutely fine. The pitch indicator behaves completely normal. No fluctuating.

I experienced the same issue before I updated to iOS7 and wego firmware update.

I’ve tested my controller using an iPhone 4Gs running DJay 2 for IPhone, and I still have the same issue.

Any ideas please - do I have a fault with my Wego, or is there another fix?


Hi Steve,

Thanks for contacting us.

Yes, this does sound like a hardware problem. Please kindly contact Pioneer support directly: