What does 'Analyse' do when a track is already Analysed?


I have a quick question regarding the “Analyse” function.

What exactly happens if I click “Analyse” on a track that has already been analysed? Specifically, I’d like to understand its impact on the following aspects:

  • Key Analysis: Does it re-run the key detection, and if so, does it overwrite the existing key data?
  • BPM Detection: Will it re-detect and potentially update the BPM, or does it leave the initial BPM untouched?
  • Beatgrid: Does it make any adjustments to the beatgrid, or could it disrupt a customised beatgrid, like an anchor I’ve placed or a manually adjusted first beat?
  • Other Aspects: Are there any other changes or processes that occur when re-analysing a track that might affect custom settings or previously analysed data?

Also, if all settings and data are left untouched during re-analysis, is there a way to force a complete re-analysis of key, BPM, and beatgrid?

Thanks in advance for clarifying!

Hi @DJ_Big_Blender, it depends. There are three ways to analyze tracks:

  1. Loading them on a deck.
  2. Selecting “Analyze” on a playlist.
  3. Selecting one or multiple tracks and then “Analyze” (using right/ctrl-click on macOS, track selection mode on iOS)

For options 1 and 2 the track is not analyzed again if it has been previously analyzed.

Option 3 will re-analyze the track and overwrite existing information like Key and BPM. However, we keep most of the user edits made to the Beatgrid and simply reapply them to the new grid; this includes anchors, shifts, and downbeat changes. Thanks!

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