What is this new configuration for the Mixon 8?

Hi all. I opened up djay On my iPad and got the following message, please see the photo. What new configuration is happening?

Hi @Nubium, this is expected behavior. The engineering team made some changes to the built-in MIDI mappings for several controllers with the release of djay 5.2 to take advantage of some of the new features that were added. Thanks!

So if I were to load that, I would obviously lose the little mappings that I’ve done?

Hi @Nubium, you will not lose any of your existing custom MIDI Mappings if you load the new one. You can still load your custom one. However, this new mapping will not have the functions that you added so you will need to add them again if you want to use the new one along with your customizations.

The message states that your existing configuration will be saved

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I’ve just been told that I would need to add them again.

Your custom mapping will be saved within MIDI DEVICES>MIDI CONFIGURATION>MIDI Configurations menu. However, your custom mapping commands will not be automatically added to the new configuration. If you want to use the new configuration and have your custom commands, you will need to add them again to the new configuration. However, you can continue to use your old custom mapping.

OK, I understand that they are saved but to add Them again is there an easier way than the way I first did them? When I first did them, it was very long-winded and I can’t remember how I did them.

The method to add your commands to the new configuration will be the same as the original method via the MIDI Learn tool in djay. There is no shortcut for combining them.

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