Will djay Pro AI ever support mixing with 3 Videos?

This is my first time here in the forum. I have been using Djay since iPhone3. It’s my fave app and my personal dj preference over any other software.

My question is will Djay Pro AI for MacOS be supporting mixing with three videos simultaneously anytime soon?

This is really the only wish I have for Djay so please say ‘yes.’ :slightly_smiling_face:
Thank you.

Hi Austin,

Thanks for joining and posting in our community.

What exactly are you trying to mix? How would you picture mixing 3 videos at the same time? The current faders are meant to work in 2-Dimensions (right-left). I can’t really picture how 3 videos would work. Could you please elaborate a bit how exactly you’re picturing all this?

However, we appreciate you taking the time to share this request with us. Our team is continuously improving the app, so your feedback is very helpful in ensuring future developments are aligned with the wishes of the djay community.


This is a good reply because I have not thought about the logistics of it, just that I feel I have grown beyond 2-video mixing the same way I grew out of 2 deck mixing.
I will think on this and reply back.
Thanks Guillermo :pray:

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