Windows 10 - Cannot remove library locations

Windows 10 - Cannot remove library locations

  1. Which device do you have? Windows PC

  2. Which OS version is running on your device? Windows 10

  3. Which djay version are you using? 1.0.2775.0

  4. Installation type? Windows store

  5. Please explain step-by-step the issue you are experiencing, what you expect to happen, and what actually happens.

  6. I need to completely uninstall/re-install the program.

However, when I do so via Window 10 uninstaller it still retains the library and iTunes library locations.

I thought I got rid of those by deleting anything with the word DJay Pro from my system but nope.

Any suggestions?

BTW, I submitted a support ticket # as well but so far…crickets.

@Anders @hussein Could one of you folks please assist? It’s been almost a week with no reply to my support ticket # 182834

Hi @Elektrikacid27,

Thank you for your patience and the in-depth explanation of your issue.

We’ve gone ahead and replied to your initial ticket with next steps.

Again, we truly appreciate your time. Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance.

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