Hi. I will like to use djay 5 with neural mix turned on, on 4 decks and with Mixon 8. I suppose a quite good windows laptop is needed. Any experience, references?
I could also go the Mac way, but i ve got other computers with windows so i will prefer to stay on it.
Unfortunately Neural Mix on Windows is lagging behind Mac and iOS. Other stuff is also missing - any form of video, tag editing…
Add to that the user manual may or may not have been updated in the last 12 months?
I’ll defer to PK’s knowledge on that one.
Yes, Algoriddim don’t keep on top of their manuals either. It would be nice if there was a separate setup user guide for each supported controller (as Atomix do for VDJ).
Been using Djay on Windows for almost a year now (coming from Serato Pro).
Djay on Windows has always lagged behind the features that is offered on iOS and Mac, but it seems to be in sync with all plattforms the last six months of patches and features.
With that said, you should be good if you have 8GB RAM on your laptop and atleast a Ryzen5 or i5.
I have Ryzen7 with 16GB ram (I both use the software and stream at the sametime with OBS) and it has never failed on me.
Djay on Windows has lot of potential and I still hope that the higher ups will one day be willing to spend money on Windows to fix it’s core-issues;
- No smart playlists
- You can’t edit track information in the software, if you want to edit the title or artist on a track, you need to do it on OS level and remove it from djay and add the track again for the changes to take effect.
- 50% of all the columns a track can contain is always empty and completely useless
- No offline storage for beatport Link (Probably my biggest jawdropping complain).
But let’s not dig down ourself on the negativity alone.
- The software is very minimal and does what it is supposed to do really great.
- It is really easy to navigate, the options for changing midimapping is pure awesome.
- The flexible beatgrid and AI sync is the best in the business.
- The Stems are really the best I ever tried.
Thanks for the precise answers.
I tested it on my desktop PC and saw that neural knobs were working ok, but only allowed at 80% quality.
Is it a limit of my PC (i5-8400 2.8ghz- 16 gb ram) or is it the limit for whatever PC , even more powerful?
Is the neural mix transition with mixfader not working on windows?
For the playlist and tags, its not such a problem for me.
I plan to use it only with my tracks on internal SSD.
Given that i’m mixing open format, fluid grid and neural mix realtime is really impressive and very valuable for me.
The only point deceiving is the impossibility to pass thru external sound in a djay deck. So, connecting vinyl turntables to a mixon 8 can not pass through djay and apply effects, but only the low-high filter on the controller itself.
I hoped there was a ext in like in traktor.
Or at least, that i could route the line in from mixon 8 into an other soft on my PC, but it seems mixon 8 does not do audio in. Am I wrong?
Thanks again
And I’ve got the feeling we are not going to see soon fluid grid and realtime neural separation in traktor ( and serato?).
Traktor 4 has just launched, and i suspect that implementing fluid grid on serato will be a complete change to serato grid system.
I tested more strange combination, directly form iTunes library of voice from one (old) track and instruments from an other in 1 hour, and perfectly synced, then i would have done in days, preparing the grid and tracks separations on another software.
Its a complete change of paradigm for my use case.
and these are the reasons why I use it… thank you
Interesting as there are other opinions on the forum. Does the Windows version give you a quality indictor as with Apple stuff (e.g. 80%)?
From reading these posts I figured there was only one setting, but does it scale on Windows with CPU power too?
You’ve only got to compare the web pages for djay Pro on Mac vs djay Pro on Windows to see the difference. The Mac page says Neural Mix 2.0 and the PC page just says Neural Mix.
Also if you go to the Neural Mix page, it shows Neural Mix Pro (Mac only) and djay Pro for Mac and iOS.
No Windows version shown at all.
On my PC (i5-8400 2.8ghz- 16 gb ram) it says Neural mix quality 80% (max). I suppose it means Neural mix 1.0, and 2.0 will be 100% quality.
This could also quite simply mean the pages are not up to date.
Well then they should be updated, so the customers (and potential new ones) are not misled.
Sure. But we all know more stuff is in need of updating.
Maybe, dunno. I have a Reloop Mixtour Pro and just activate Neural Mix and turn the knobs.
Rekordbox Stem was trash (not tried it for a year).
Serato Stems needed you to prepare beforehand to seperate the stems
Djay was the only software (I have tried) that just activate stems on the go, and that has always worked seamless for me.
But aye, Djay on Windows say the highest quality is “High (80%)”, but I am still very pleased with it. I’m no audiophile that sit on 100k dollar speakers and listening to every frequency
So it is a personal opinion. Others probably have higher standard then me.
The only point deceiving is the impossibility to pass thru external sound in a djay deck. So, connecting vinyl turntables to a mixon 8 can not pass through djay and apply effects, but only the low-high filter on the controller itself.
I hoped there was a ext in like in traktor.
Or at least, that i could route the line in from mixon 8 into an other soft on my PC, but it seems mixon 8 does not do audio in. Am I wrong?
Thanks again
Mixon 8 can take on sounds from vinyl, dunno if Mixon 8 has onboard effects or if it just use software fx from djay.
You will get post fader effects if you use Mixon 8 + Turntables + DVS.
I always use a external soundcard that is connected via Controller to Laptop so I can use Audacity.
Never got the Controllers soundcard to work on programs that is not the DJ software.
Cheers mate! Much appreciated.
Nope. It’s basically a sound card with a ton of knobs, faders and leds.
Thanks djfredhaze.
Are you using all 4 chanels with Neural mix and your Ryzen7 cope with it?
Is the mixtour pro not to cumbersome to use with 4 channels?
For mixon 8, with lin/phone ins, you can only use the hpf lpf filter sadly. Its the same with other controllers, internal effects is in general only the hpf filter.
I really want to go for djay with all its power.
But i also got to have a setup with vinyl (no dvs) where djs come to mix classic tracks.
Perhaps, the best for me will be to have 2 set up in parallel. And turntables with their own mixer and effects.
Being a fan of Reloop gear, I can’t get my head around Mixon 8…
Anyway, I don’t use four channels, I don’t believe in four channels if you don’t have four jogwheels, it is easy for it to get messy.
In my case I use Mixtour Pro so I never have more then two channels at any given time.
But I have not seen my laptop getting sweaty over two channels with neural mix.
Hi @PatriceCros,
Currently 100% Neural Mix Quality is only available with Windows on ARM devices. This percentage is automatically determined by the power of your device.
Correct, Neural Mix transitions are not yet available with the Crossfader FX on Windows.
The Windows version uses the latest Neural Mix technology. So, 80% NM quality on Windows should sound about the same as 80% on macOS and iOS. If you have a Windows on ARM device with 100% quality you then it should sound about the same as 100% on macOS and iOS. I hope that helps!