Windows PRO extending to iOS with different email on Apple ID vs MS account

I have purchased PRO version on Windows 11 with Microsoft account that is tight to one email.

Now I purchased iPad Air but have issues transferring my subscription - my Apple ID is connected to another emial address that Microsoft account. I can not find a place to login into my Algoriddim account in iOS app, only options are restore or purchase. Restore obviously doesn’t work.

Please advise.

Hi @Stan_i, please try the following:

  1. Log in with a djay account on Windows (the djay account can use any login provider and does not have to be using the same Microsoft account that the app was purchased with).
  2. Log in with the same djay account on the iPad.

Thank you!
Totally my bad - I was just unable to locate Settings / Login on the iOS (obviously it is in the different place than Android/Windows) but after staring at the screen for another 15 minutes managed to found it and logged in :slight_smile:

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You’re welcome @Stan_i. Glad you got it all sorted out.