Windows sign-in issue - App Permissions

I have searched but no answer
HP all in onw
Windows 10
no controller

I have subscribed to Djay Pro on Ipad Pro M2
when i try to use my account cross platform on my HP pc i have installed the app, but when i go to sign in to my Djay account in the settings menu the circle just keeps spinning around and does not allow any further. i have a username on DJay pro
i have uninstalled/reinstalled - same issue

How to reproduce the issue:
install on pc, downloaded through Algoriddim site via microsoft store
open app -Settings -MyDjay - sign in. cannot go any further

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Hi @cemparaiment, please restart your device, then try disabling any anti-virus/pop-up blockers, VPNs or proxies then try signing in again.

I have done that. I’m downloading for a third time overnight and starting again tomorrow in case I missed something on windows defender or firewall. As it was via Microsoft store there’s not a normal path to allow. I don’t have any vpn running and my first thought was firewall but I did turn everything off at one point. I’ll go through it again tomorrow

Are you using any email “masking” app that generates new “ghost” emails for things?

Hi @cemparaiment, I’m following up to see if you are still having this issue. Thanks!

Thanks for your reply. no i dont have any email account on here at all. ive turned all popups off along with windows defender etc. i tried it on an old laptop, when i clicked it this time it opened an external page in Edge, and did allow me to sign in.
trying to replicate it on my main pc though is an issue as does not open an external page on either chrome or edge. ive turned popup b locker off etc

Thanks for your reply.
ive reinstalled Djay loads of times hoping something would change
i tried it on an old laptop (2015), when i clicked it this time it opened an external page in Edge, and did allow me to sign in.
trying to replicate it on my main pc though is an issue as does not open an external page on either chrome or edge. ive turned popup blocker off etc

now ive been able to semi replicate the issue it seems it is with the app opening an external page but not being able to make the connection for some reason

Hi @cemparaiment, thanks for confirming the additional details. Did you download djay from the official Microsoft store?

Also, did you create a djay Account from your previous purchase on iOS? Are you using the exact same sign in credentials?


The issue is the App permission Windows - Settings- Apps and Features -Djay pro - Advanced -Defaults
then have to set default browser up. it will than allow.
Thanks so much all for your help

Excellent! Glad to hear you got it sorted out. Thanks for the follow up. Happy to help!

You’re misunderstanding. You need an email address to sign up for the DJay Pro sub. Some computer systems now offer a system that generates new addresses when you sign up/in and that can confuse things.

Hi I downloaded via the Algoriddim site which then linked and installed on pc Via Microsoft store. I had tried to find an offline installation.
Yes I’m using all the same credentials and fully logged in now.

I think I understood. I have email accounts on my iPad and had an account on algoriddim.
I don’t have any type of email service on my actual pc itself. I keep it fairly clutter free as jus use for video and music in my studio

This is what I’m talking about…


Ah no. I did misunderstand.never heard of that. Thankyou. The issue had been that the link itself from the Djay app wouldn’t open. It wouldn’t go onto the next screen. It’s resolved now. It didn’t have a browser allocated in the main app settings