Wireless Function to Seagate Hardrive - DJAY

I understand there is a work round ‘Open in’ option using apps to work with Seagate wireless hardrives to play in dj, but will there be an update soon to play direct from DJAY to wireless hardrives?

Spotify is great, but isn’t greeat when venues don’t carry internet/signal, so the beauty of the hardrives, would be access to a bigger amount of storage than a typical ipad 64/120gig storage.

I.e you can store all your popular music on the ipad, but then any requests you don’t have in ipad, you can dig of the wireless hardrive direct??? That make sense.

At the moment i have to use DJAY + a laptop for the extra searching/Storage.

I’d divert to a mac to save the hassle of hardrives etc, but then my IDJPRO then becomes unusable.

Be great if DJ will some point intergrate wireless hardrives like seagate with the app. People would pay in high costs for this update too.

Spotify (offline) would be a great update too. So any songs’ the ipad has cached on history playlists could be played??? Just an idea (incase you get to a venue with no internet… and you have set lists on spotify that can be sunk offline, just like the spotify app itself???

Hmmmmmm good ideas right for future updates?

Just a thought :slight_smile:

Very interesting idea… Thank you for sharing!