Would you pay double for faster core feature development & improved stability?

I watched a digital dj tips video recently where the owner Phil Morse was invited to Algoriddim HQ. He stated that in Algoriddims own words Djay Pro is an alike to a “gateway drug” in terms of introducing djs to dj software as an initial offering, where djs from there will look to progress onto other software. I kinda disagree with that but if that’s where the company feels they sit in the market then so be it. I’ve tried pretty much most of dj software and for me Djay Pro is number one. I was a Traktor user since 2010 and I first tried Djay in 2014, with djay pro 2016. I did go back to Traktor but was let down with lack of development and jumped over to Djay Pro again 18 months ago. Yes I’d love to see library improvements but for what we get with fluid grids, stems and strong iOS partnering, it just serves my needs. Now with better hardware integration, djay pro is progressing nicely. I have pioneer rev 5 and for me it’s a perfect combination with Djay Pro.

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That’s so strange people would see it that way. With the fluid beatgrids etc it would feel like a big step backwards going to another software for me.

I agree with you. But this is what Algoriddim apparently said to probably the biggest dj market influencer. So I don’t really know what to make of them. For as long as i can remember they have always been the one to push the boundaries for everyone else to catch up eg: streaming services with Spotify as it was back then. With iOS and android capabilities it was always seen as a toy/gimmicky software that probably hit the new to dj mass market. But over the last few years djay has got more mature and professional like. Certainly attracting more pro user djs, who of course have their no compromise must haves. For me it’s always performed well at gigs. I would like to see a browser refresh.

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Make DJ_Big_Bender part of your “features” team to help prioritize which features should be added to upcoming, hopefully monthly or quarterly, updates.

Let’s not forget and particularly with ios, the software is already doing A HELL OF A LOT.
The cpu is already working overtime to give you neural mix and fluid beatgrids fx etc.
All these extras people are looking for would increase the workload and probably impact performance of most devices.
I trust that the developers have already squeezed whatever they can get into the software for it to work effectively and efficiently which it certainly does.

Rekordbox are next to the table. What they call “high precision beatgrid analysis” was introduced a few days ago in 7.0.7. I’ve not tried it yet though.

The other companies were always going to have follow suit. Such a massive game changer imo. Surprised it took them so long.
Think i still have RB installed on my Mac so might have a peek and compare

They do have a warning though, that it takes longer to analyse the tracks.

“I don’t believe in the concept of user-specific customizations as a scalable model”

Here’s the crazy part: all the features I’d pay extra for are basic DJ needs that should already be in pro software. The issue is when, if ever, they’ll be implemented. For example, fast access to your crates and songs is a basic need, but I spend half my time navigating with mouse clicks and endless scrolling instead of just hitting a key command to jump to a playlist or song. DJay had this feature but removed it.

The Match feature works only 60% of the time, and even after sending in MP3s that didn’t match, nothing’s been fixed. The iTunes artwork doesn’t show up either, even after I submitted files without artwork for troubleshooting. Keeping your selection when you jump out of a crate and return.
These are all existing features that simply don’t work 100% or at all.
Instead of waiting around, if there was an option to customize or speed up the development I would pay. (I’m on the latest version of Djay as of this post Dec.2024)

Paying for features that should be standard sucks but it’s better than waiting another 5 years or maybe never to get it implemented. Just look at what standard features were actually fixed this year, and you’ll see that a 5-year timeline is a realistic guess for when some of these issues might get addressed.
I’d pay to fix Match, Artwork, Type-Ahead (jump to crates,songs,bpm,tags, ect… in any list that’s in focus), and the ability to view multiple playlists at once, with their own search and header columns.

The dj software industry is the only one that doesn’t offer customization options. You can customize music production software (Max for Live in Ableton, scripting in Reaper, Logic, FL Studio, and the Logical Editor in Cubase), but DJ software doesn’t offer the same flexibility.

This is just one idea how the pro users can get what we need without relying on when the companies will implement it. Maybe there’s other ways I haven’t thought of.


I guess you’ve not tried VirtualDJ then. It’s extremely customizable.

I wouldn’t mind paying more for hosted library with management & import services, but just app usage No.

I want cloud based Library with full sync ( offline capable) as first thing. Importing & synchronizing from the main streaming platforms is super important. I use Spotify a lot and sync with Tidal using Soundiiz. Spotify is the most convenient for casual listening and track sourcing. And I love to manage my playlists in Spotify. To use in Djay, I transfer them to Tidal, but if I can go directly to Djay playlist with Tidal and local files as source, I’d be happiest. Ideally, the file storage should be as per user choice from local / Google Drive / iCloud / DropBox / OneDrive / WebDav. If Djay has cloud hosted library, with *WebDav storage and Strwaming platforms sync up, like Soundiiz does, I would happily pay Algoriddim to manage (sync/import CSVs/etc) my library and sync it from the streaming platforms across my djay devices. Same price as the app would be fine, making it 2x in reality.

And as per software features, I would appreciate the availability of certain functionalities, and maybe OK to pay a bit more, but NO. My main pain is library management with x-platform device sync. I mostly need library management (tagging/colors/crates/etc) across the platforms. Mapping Modifiers is important, but that’s a core app feature which is already there, just not exposed.

I would pay 2x, if 1/2 of it is cloud library service, the rest is app usage, as is now. Without cloud library synchronisation & advanced library management with imports and migrations support, 2x subscription price is unjustified, IMO.


I was thinking about asking DEV team to create a focus team responsible for creating a shortlist of all most important changes necessary (library management, etc.) required for PRO users and creating a list for to vote. Basically, creating a roadmap with voting system per item to prioritize most requested changes first. But I think they will ignor it…

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On the contrary, I wouldn’t pay double and I won’t renew because for the price it should already have the basics, and some very important resources, I will mention 3 reasons not to renew,
1 - There is no synchronization between libraries and hot cue markings etc… between IOS, MACos, Windows Android.
2 - on IOS there is no way to mark stars, colors, comments.
3 - There is no DMX control or option to interact with Soundswift.
You could also have other options, search on an external hard drive or pen drive on IOS.
Automatic background video change.

Excellent idea. Managing the local bookstore has always been a problem for me. I’ve been saying for years that I really don’t like bookshop management. I have always used Rekorbox which has enviable library management. But apparently the priorities for other DJs are different. For me, library management is very important.

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I completely agree Sergio (@Sergio1),

Library management is absolutely top priority number one because it’s what working DJs spend the most time on. It should also be a top priority for DJ software manufacturers like DJay. This process needs to be effortless.

Fluid Beatgrid and Stems were definitely game changers, but I’m noticing more and more that all the other features, like Crossfader FX, the Looper, and the many effects (innovative as they are), are things I never actually use in practice. They just don’t matter.

Let alone the more futuristic innovations like Meta Quest, which are even further removed from practical day-to-day use.

On the other hand, I deal with poorly functioning or missing features for proper library management (in the broadest sense) on a daily basis. That’s something that deserves much more focus.


Thanks Michael Pardus (@Michael_Android),

I understand your idea behind creating this list and a voting system, but I don’t believe more voting will change how Algoriddim operates.

The core issue likely lies with the available capacity at Algoriddim and/or their inability to accommodate even a few user requests.

Even now, users can vote on features, and there must be already hundred or more highly requested and widely discussed suggestions that have been open for years. Despite repeated user requests and votes, many of these bugs and features remain unresolved, even the most low-hanging fruits.

Believe me, I’ve gone through a lot of them on this forum and have seen the same requests come back over and over again for years, only to disappear into the void once more.

I’m sorry to say it, but my perspective now is that Algoriddim seems to have created a ‘jack-of-all-trades’ situation by trying to support every platform, controller, and operating system. While this might seem like a good strategy in terms of user base growth, it has made them inadequate to fulfill some basic requests or be user-centric enough.

To be honest, I find this way of working even a bit disrespectful to the very involved and dedicated (professional) users like you and me, who have chosen, paid for, and placed their trust in Algoriddim. It feels as though our loyalty and feedback are not being valued as they should be.


I do not agree: I am paying € 29,99 yearly via the App Store (it’s almost the same in Dollar) and I don’t think that’s a lot. Would happily pay more for better usability, quicker improvements, better core-features and more helpful innovations.

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I understand your points, and I agree that some of the features you mentioned should ideally already be in place. But they simply aren’t right now… that’s a fact of life.

I also do believe that the yearly fee I’m paying (€29.99 in the App Store) is, on the other hand, not too high but personally i do prefer a higher level of quality and service above a lower price…

So, I just wrote this question to explore how current involved users like you feel about the current price/service point.

Would they be willing to pay (a bit) more for faster improvements and more features? It seems like the general consensus is that many essential features are still lacking or need improvement, so it might be useful to gauge if more investment from users could lead to faster development.

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I can understand that Sammy (@discosammy),
But generally spoken. Would you pay more for better and quicker improvements?

That is why I was planning to write an open letter to DEV team willing to participate in PRO version development with other veteran DJ with experience in other software (I used them all except Serato). And for creating a short list of things that will be developed next (promised by developers).

Basically, they need a focus team of experienced DJ’s to curate such a list and decide (among themselves, taking current forum votes under consideration)what to implement next.
I am willing to spend my time for free on this with other DJ’s to work on this list. Granted that they will listen.

Unfortunately I have seen it before with Traktor (forums, same shit, devs not listening, developing gimmicks, then Traktor collapsed, thousands switched to Rekordbox, then Pioneer started playing with subscriptions ignoring forums again. Now here, same thing. We got VR for kids instead of library management functionality updates).

I am exhausted of switching software because developers do not listen to DJ’s just their marketing team. I am willing to fight for this software as in my opinion it has the best core code and algorithms. Just lacking Pro functionality and adjustability.

Who is with me? :smiley:

Admin? What do you think? @NathanielAlgo