5.2.3 crashed 2 times when searching for songs

Thanks for the info @daniel_curley. Iā€™ll share this with engineering.

Hello, I am also experiencing crashing but while playing. After about 20-30 minutes of playing it crashes and shuts down the entire app. I would then have to restart the app and after another 30 minutes it crashes again. I hope an update will be out soon to fix this issue. I have experienced this in the past it was fixed but now it is back.

Hi @Bean_Town, to help us troubleshoot your crash and to confirm that it is the same issue as above, please submit an Official Support Ticket using the procedure below so the engineering team can review your crash reports in more detail.

  1. Open the djay app on your device.
  2. Navigate to Settings>Contact Support.
  3. Fill out the submission form and title your email "ATTN: MARIE ā€“ ā€œ5.2.3 crashed 2 times when search for songsā€ in the provided subject line. Thanks!

Worrying every song that tool you use to make money might fail you is the worst feeling in the world! Not looking forward to use this product at my gig today :cry:

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Crashed at a gig last night and now preparing for a gig tonight and it has already crashed three times. I do not hear this from DJs using Traktor or Rekordbox. Itā€™s so embarrassing. I honestly feel like you owe me money. Iā€™ve had my fair share of crash history with Djay. Probably my fault for sticking with you. This just can not happen every now and then for a professional setting.
Update: In my case it crashes when Iā€˜m loading songs into the deck. 4th crash in 3 hours. App closes completely.
Update 2: 5th crash - also crashes when just editing the playlist and nothing playing

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Even worse this problem seems to be existing for almost two weeks :exploding_head:


Hopefully algoriddim will provide a stable update soon.
When it does I will be making sure to deactivate the option to auto update the app and remain with a competent version so I can work with less agro.
This last year has seen some amazing new features which I love but part of the problem with this constant innovation is the more frequent appearence of bugs.
The ios app as it stands has more than enough for me to get by so when they steady it up and get it working flawlesly Iā€™ll be sticking with that version.


Hi @Fresh27, to help us troubleshoot your crash and to confirm that it is the same issue as above, please submit an Official Support Ticket using the procedure below so the engineering team can review your crash reports in more detail.

  1. Open the djay app on your device.
  2. Navigate to Settings>Contact Support.
  3. Fill out the submission form and title your email "ATTN: MARIE ā€“ ā€œ5.2.3 crashed 2 times when search for songsā€ in the provided subject line. Thanks!
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Thanks for the quick reply. I do wonder about a refund. It crashed at a gig, super embarrassing. Whatā€™s your policy on that?

Thanks @Slak_Jaw for the quick reply. I do wonder about a refund. It crashed at a gig, super embarrassing. Whatā€™s your policy on that?

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Like all software companies I would imagine. Every software company there is risk of crashes. Seems to be more often though with Djay Pro. I havenā€™t had a crash yet, not whilst playing live anyway. I did have crashes whilst midi mapping though. Which were investigated. Itā€™s the risk we take. Crashes in ideal world shouldnā€™t happen but sometimes they do. Not easy and frustrating but thatā€™s software for you.

So whatā€™s your point or contribution to this thread? We are looking for a solution to specific problems that can be addressed.

My point and contribution is whatā€™s called an opinion and in the spirit of free speech. One of which is very much allowed on this forum, to even try to question someoneā€™s opinion is rather controlling of you. That being said, the engineers I am sure will get to grips with this and sort it as they always do. Stability does need to be their focus right now.

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Iā€™ve been using Djay for about four years now, and Iā€™ve experienced over 15 gig crashes, maybe even more. At first, I thought it might be because of my old iPad, so I upgraded to a new iPad Pro. I also switched between different controllers because I kept feeling like the sound quality wasnā€™t greatā€”and I still feel that way. Often, it doesnā€™t matter too much because the crowd is usually drunk, but it still bothers me.

At least the crashes stopped over the past year. I think the software is fantasticā€”I love the touch experience with the iPad, itā€™s just awesome! But I feel like Iā€™m reaching my limit. I need to have confidence that the software will work reliably. The sound quality needs to be excellent. This is crucial and should always be prioritized!

Iā€™m paying for this, Iā€™m not a beta tester. Iā€™ve submitted countless bug reports, logs, and who knows what else. Yet, I keep feeling like Iā€™m constantly ending up beta testing. Thatā€™s just not acceptable. Offer a beta version for free, fix the bugs beforehand, and only release updates when youā€™re sure itā€™s at least stable!

The number of crashes I can generate right now is ridiculous. The software clearly hasnā€™t been tested enough. And now itā€™s taking forever to fix the issuesā€”I can only assume itā€™s because itā€™s summer and people are on vacation. Otherwise, please re-release the last stable version so we can at least keep playing safely.

Honestly, Iā€™m frustrated. I love Djay, and I feel like Iā€™m being forced to leave it behind. Iā€™m already the odd one out for not using the provided CDJs, and itā€™s only justified if what Iā€™m offering actually works. Sadly, right now, it doesnā€™t and honestly we need a promise by Algoriddim, this will be different in the future. Cause the past has shown otherwise.


Some great advice here from @Slak_Jaw from a previous post regarding problems like this and how to avoid them in future.
Iā€™ll certainly be borrowing this workflow.

Hear your frustration. Great work on reporting crashes and keeping Algoriddim to account on them. I agree with you there has been more than usual crashes recently. Iā€™ve been using djay pro since 2014. More so as number one software since last year. Since multitude of new features, which are amazing, there has been more crashes and bugs bring reported. Which isnā€™t great. If I were Algoriddim right now I would only really focus on reliability for next release or two. Get it really stable and then look at enhancing. Just my two cents, I have no inside knowledge or anything but I know they do look at these forums to get a gist of what weā€™re all experiencing and feeling.

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Hello everyone. Engineering believes they have identified and fixed the issue which is currently in beta testing. Iā€™ll report back here when I have more news. Thanks!


NOTE: Please use the search function above before posting to avoid creating duplicate topics.

  • Device model 2021 ipad M1
  • Version of operating system lastest
  • Version of djay 5.2.3latest
  • Hardware/controllers used Hercules mini mixer

I use the auto mix at the beginning of the night if quiet , last night I was in normal 2 deck screen mode but with auto mix on , when dragging and dragging and dropping new tracks ( whilst playing songs ) into the auto mix queue from tidal the app sometime crashes. This happened at least 3-4 time so gave up in the end as it was far to unstable.

Is there a way to send the crash logs ? I canā€™t seem to see any other reports of this bug, but certainly was there last night.

Thanks :pray:

Pretty sure this has to do with all the other crashes happening rn.
Just check this out:

Hi @Wayne_Clark, to help us troubleshoot your crash and to confirm that it is the same issue as above, please submit an Official Support Ticket using the procedure below so the engineering team can review your crash reports in more detail.

  1. Open the djay app on your device.
  2. Navigate to Settings>Contact Support.
  3. Fill out the submission form and title your email "ATTN: MARIE ā€“ ā€œ5.2.3 crashed 2 times when search for songsā€ in the provided subject line. Thanks!
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