Add "Hot Play" for smoother track starting with sync enabled

Improvement in handling when starting tracks slightly too early or late while sync is enabled (this happens to almost everyone).

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Hi everyone,

This post is about how Djay software slightly corrects manually started tracks when the sync button is enabled. In my opinion, this can be greatly improved. The issue occurs when starting a new track using the Play button or one of the 8 Cue buttons, especially when you want to play the track from the very beginning at full volume. This often results in an unprofessional sound.

When starting a new track, it’s inevitable due to human factors that it will always be a few milliseconds too early or too late compared to the exact beat. That’s not a problem in itself, but the way the software corrects it could really be better.

Current situation in Djay:

  • With an early start: You can hear a small but noticeable correction by the software. It audibly corrects the difference in start time, which is also visible as a slight ‘jolt’ in the waveform on the decks.
  • With a late start: Something similar happens. The track starts on its own first beat (but too late), and then immediately corrects itself, which is heard as a kind of “blirp.”

Solution as implemented by Traktor:
In Traktor, an early start is smoothly handled by the software. Traktor holds the track for a fraction of a second and only starts exactly at the right moment (when both are aligned). As a result, there’s no audible correction. With a late start, it appears that Traktor skips a corresponding small part of the incoming track so that no jolt or audible correction is needed. I haven’t checked other DJ software, but they likely have similar solutions in place.

The result in Traktor is a much smoother start of the newly launched track without any disturbing sound corrections, making the mix subtler and more professional. It would be great if Djay could consider and implement this solution to improve the overall mixing experience.


Thanks for the suggestion @DJ_Big_Blender. Good idea. I have forwarded this to the dev team for consideration.

Yes, I have reported this long time ago and was one of the reasons to not use Djay pro yet, even though I like a lot of it. I am just too used to “hot play” track from start (or a cue point), relying on beat grid sync. This is probably the best use case for sync button, and I am telling this as an old vinyl DJ…


Thanks for your support @Radomir_Laucik !!

I think “Hot play” is a great word that perfectly describes the expected behavior like it should be.

Just curious: Is this a word that you “invented” or is it just a term that comes from another DJ tool?

I think I have already been describing it either to other DJs or to Algorridim when reporting this same glitch using these words, but “hot play” is just my naming :slight_smile:

I adjusted the topic title accordingly…


This would be amazing. But if I could add to the suggestion, I think the proposed solution and its benefits would generalize to any time sync is engaged, either automatically or manually. There’s lots of little edge cases (activating saved loops, activating Ableton Link) when the instant sync introduces a discontinuity in the audio, not just track start.

And like @DJ_Big_Blender mentioned, Traktor handles all those cases with a short gradual sync, rather than an instant jump. Same thing with VirtualDJ. It works quite well.

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Thanks for the additional feedback @zalzebub