Android support for Hercules Starlight

Thanks for your great software.

Is there any possible way to get this controller to work with Android? I can see the list of currently supported controllers so know which ones are, I guess I am desperate to make this work as it is the most portable controller I can find which in my opinion sets it apart from the others that are currently supported.

I can see it is supported for iOS which is great but I don’t own any apple products and don’t intend to buy any. Having support for this controller would be a really useful feature that I would be happy to pay for, I know others have mentioned similar requests, personally I would pay £20 upgrade to be able to get my controller to work and I am sure many others would too (it’s great that the app is free on android, i’d love the opportunity to pay more to get this to work).

Anyway, I am sure you have many things in the pipeline but would be great if you would bare this in mind.

Are there any plans to add more controllers to Android? Is something like this already in the pipeline?

Thanks again for your product.

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We all hoping for the same mate, how they can support IOS and not android its just a midi to implement



Can you make a mapping for Hercules Starlight on android device ? or a native support

thanks for help


Hi guys. I purchased a hercules djcontrol starlight and I’d like to connect it to my android phone but when I plug it in all that happens is the controller lights up for a few seconds and that’s it. I turn on the app and start playing music but the only thing that works on the controller is the master volume and that only allows me hear music through my earphones.

I’ve included a pic so you can see how I’m connecting it. Any advice would be great. Thanks

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Hey guys,

Please note that the Hercules DJControl Starlight is not currently supported on djay for Android. However, rest assured that we’ll push this topic internally. We’ll personally let you guys know as soon as this device is natively supported on djay for Android.

Thanks for your understanding.


i want one but wont get one until android is supported


What a bunch of weaksauce. Y’all are everything but up front about that. Waste of money and time. All my homies hate Hercules. …for now

Fix it plz.


Hi guys. I had been on previously about my hercules dj starlight controller not working with android. Did you get it fixed? I see lots of people with the same issue.


+1 for adding support of the Starlight to Android, if wie find enough supporters the Chance is bigger that they’ll implement it


Any update on this? I’d really like Android support… :anguished:


+1 for Android Support… Its sad that i cant use this awesome, small controller with my mobile… Hoping for the best!


+1 on Android support. Dont know if ive ever seen a company so willing to leave money on the table


is this topic dead? are you really not going to do anything about it?


Hey! I have a Hercules Starlight and I use Android. Please make them compatible :pray: that would be wonderful.

Thank you!


Any Update on this? waiting eagerly


+1 please provide support for android


+1 for Android support


Please!!! provide support for android, the people acclaims!! :pray:


Unfortunately even the supported controllers do not work with android at the moment.

I purchased a reloop beatpad and there is an issue with audio routing. Currently only master output works. There is no sound coming through the headphones so it is impossible to cue the next track. The only way I can use the beatpad is by looking at the waveform and guessing if it is in the correct place before fading in. Obviously this is pretty much useless and i would not feel comfortable taking this set up to a gig.

I have tested the djay app and beatpad with my Samsung Tab S7+, Samsung Note 10+, Sony Xperia 1, Sony Xperia 10 and Sony Xperia premium. All have the same issue.

If you look at other threads on here people have also experienced the same issue with a wider range of android devices which include

Other Samsung devices, i.e S21, S22 as well as all varieties of Samsung tablets.
Other Sony devices/phones

The problem seems to have existed for years with no fix in sight so personally I wouldn’t purchase any midi controller if you are looking to use an android device. The list of compatible devices is totally misleading and you will end up wasting your money, as i have.

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But… is this an Android feature or an implementation of the djayPro app? Who has to create that function? I mean… if this is a feature that Android doesn’t have… what about older Android devices?

Someone knows what will happens?

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