đź“Ł ANNOUNCEMENT: djay 5.2.9 for macOS/iOS/Android/Windows

Hi everyone,

We’re thrilled to share the latest version of djay, v5.2.9 (5.2.11228.0 on Windows). Please see the changelog listed below for more information.


• Added ability to connect to Bluetooth MIDI controllers directly from the “MIDI” menu (macOS)
• Improved Neural Mix quality and performance on older Intel-based devices (macOS)
• Allow separate waveform orientations in 2- and 4-deck modes (macOS, Windows)


• Fixed missing tracks in Crates source (macOS)
• Fixed media library sometimes re-selecting first track when scrolling (Windows)
• Fixed sorting of tracks by title in My Files and Music sources (Windows)
• Fixed possible empty playlists in Apple Music library
• Fixed issues with Start Cue button when using DVS
• RANE FOUR: fixed FX issues
• Various fixes and improvements


STEM-SPLIT on Rane 4 still has a bug in this version.


@Pedro_B please share your post in the existing RANE Four thread. Thanks!

Do the Rane Four fixes extend to the Performer? Thanks!

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Does this update include a solution for the track stuttering and freezing issue when quickly scrolling through a track?

And ultimately, for this one: Issues with track loading, playback, and crackling sound (Mixon 8, 2019 MacBook Pro), which has been going on since the beginning of December last year?

PS: please keep the updates coming!

Is there any way to check what was fixed/improved in detail by any chance?

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Thank you for this; a very useful feature.

FYI - I had to re-boot macOS to get it working properly. After updating to 5.2.9, the Bluetooth controller showed up as a MAC address. After re-booting, the controller showed up properly as DJCONTROL MIX.

Hi @Scott1, The RANE FOUR fixes were just for that controller.

Hi @Akrilovy, we don’t have any more detailed list of fixes/improvements. All significant changes are listed in the change log.


Hi @DJ_Big_Blender, our team is still working on these. Thanks!


You’re welcome @Michael_Wisniewski and thanks for the additional info.

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Thanks for the info! I guess let me be a little more specific. Has there been anything done to address the delay when engaging and disengaging stems for the rane four and rane performer? I’m not sure if this delay exists in other controllers. Thx!


@Scott1, I believe this is a device performance related issue and will exist on all DJ controllers. The less powerful your device is the more time it will take to perform the real-time STEMs separation calculations. Your best options to eliminate this delay during your performance are to either perform a quick Neural Mix operation when you first load the track or to use the multi-waveform view to force Neural Mix analysis on song loading. I hope that helps!

Slak, thanks for the response. I would normally be inclined to agree except, I don’t get this at all with Serato while using stems and I say that while noting that Djay wipes the floor in every other respect, performance-wise. So something doesn’t add it. I will certainly try the options you provide and report back. Thank you!

You’re welcome @Scott1

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6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Hot Cue Jumping to 1 bar before when jumping out of a Loop

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