What a surprise:blush:
… I aint sleeping for a week
not, thats native, just watch the video above to get better understanding
I might be missing something, but the vocal cut option for the cross fader effect does not appear in the menu? I’m using a 2022 iPad Air M1. Should it be on there?
Can you give more information on how I can access this feature? I am struggeling to find it in the application andfrom the short demo in the announcment video I don’t understand to use it.
@Private_Repress, you need hardware connected for this feature.
I might be missing something, but the vocal cut option for the cross fader effect does not appear in the menu? I’m using a 2022 iPad Air M1. Should it be on there?
The update is a great update especially for MAC/IOS users but there is still a tremendous parity between MAC/IOS and windows version.
Still no library update management for windows user to match the ones that are in MAC/IOS example the ability to hide online music in your collection the ability to create smart playlist, the ability to music match for local files.
Not in windows (Djay Pro comes with an advanced library management system that is built around a sophisticated integration with your local music, streaming services, videos, and the Finder. You can also build your own playlists and create smart track filters - finding and managing your music has never been easier!).
Not in windows, Sequencer and Looper (Spice up your sets with the new music production tools in Djay Pro which allow you to easily record and sequence loops during your mix. It’s as easy as tapping samples in time with the playing track, and it’ll automatically quantize, sync and repeat. If you want to dive deeper into unique musical performance you can load up the grid-based Looper with up to 48 loops, all time-stretched and perfectly matched to the beat. It’s not just mixing — now it’s remixing with Djay Pro)
Not in windows Video Mixing Visuals, Photos, Transitions, FX, Titles
The Video mode in Djay Pro allows you to mix music with videos and photos and apply stunning visual effects. You can output the video from Djay Pro directly via HDMI or Airplay to external displays. Come on now, I don’t think I am asking for too much since we are all paying the same subscription.
Plus syncing a loop with another deck and changing the loop size still cause the sync to go out of sync. The ability to read flac file meta data is still not working properly.
Windows user here. As much as I would love it if the Windows version caught up with the Mac version someday, for obvious reasons developing on Windows is much more time-consuming and complicated, especially hardware/drivers compatibility and debugging for hundreds of different configurations, so I’m in no way surprised that the dev team is releasing the more significant changes on Mac first. It wasn’t that long ago that Djay Pro for windows was barely usable for professionals, and today it serves as a fully functional daily driver for many people on Windows, even if it lacks a bit of polishing and some latest features.
TL:DR Let them cook ^^
Thank you Algoriddim staff ! You’ve packed a lot in this update (more like 6.0). I appreciate the support for my Prime Go! Plus, I now have a lot more purchasing options.
I think my post was a little above your understanding. I never said anything about hardware/drivers compatibility or professional or nonprofessional. I was merely talking about the software functionality of the Djay Pro 5 MAC/IOS vs windows. I can attest to the functionality or non-functionality of Djay Pro. I purchase the windows version since 2017. It couldn’t even get the BPM of most simple tracks correct. I think you also misunderstand the meaning of the word professional when it comes to DJ. Your equipment doesn’t make you a professional. All I am asking was what about the missing features and I stated two important points that was critical to my performance as a DJ not a professional DJ as you would put it. The looping situation and the flac file situation that I have been talking about since the beta release of Djay Pro 5 for windows. You can go back and look at my post about the said problems. As I said before I don’t think that my asking is or was unreasonable.
Oh, I understood it perfectly, I only pointed out the reason for the differences in the two versions and why the more complicated updates are ready on Mac devices much earlier than on Windows…If both versions were to come out at the same time, Mac users would have to wait an extra few months until the Windows version was fully tested, while the version for their devices would be collecting dust on the devs’ hard drives.
Edit: Nothing personal, I didn’t mean to criticize your feedback, just as a person with a bit of app dev experience I wanted to clarify why certain features take way longer to add on different platforms
To use djay FX, you need to press the Hardware/Software FX Button located between the two FX paddles. If it lights up orange, you are in Software FX mode.
Thanks for the response! You are correct in that’s how you would usually make software fx work, but in Djay they are not working. Thx!
But then isn’t the FLX10 too? I’m just wondering how they mapped the FLX10 to work on the IPad that’s all
Hi @David_Lane,
Could you please clarify what you mean by “Hardware unlock mode no longer works”?
Please note that the Reloop Mixtour does not unlock every feature included in djay; it only unlocks the features that the controller itself can make use of, such as pre-cueing but not Neural Mix.
With the mixer in eq mode, when the mixtour is plugged in, in mode select, tap hardware unlock to change views. It switches but there is a pop up asking to subscribe to pro. Cancelling this takes you back to starter mode.
is the pioneer FLX10 class complaint
Yes it is as it’s listed on Algoriddim website as working with iOS but screens don’t work. See other uses experience on this forum with it. Bit hit and miss.
Great update.
Still waiting for external ssd serato dj crates support at least on the Mac/PC.
Hi @David_Lane,
Thanks for sharing that additional information.
We’ve ensured that the engineering team is aware of your inquiry and will update you on this topic as new information comes in.
We appreciate your patience!